Tag Archives: United Kingdom

United Kingdom

Officials filed terror charges against two 25-year-old men who were arrested in east London during raids last week. Both of the suspects are British nationals; one is of Turkish origin and the other Algerian. Two other men arrested with them have been released. Pavlo Lapshyn, a postgraduate student from Ukraine, pled guilty to the murder […]


Al-Shabaab hate video ‘threatens prominent British Muslims’

United Kingdom

Police released one of four men arrested in raids across London on Oct. 13, a British national of Pakistani origin. Three of the four men, who were suspected of a “serious” jihadist plot using firearms in the UK, remain in custody. Jordan Horner, a Muslim convert from the east London “Muslim Patrol” gang, pled guilty […]

United Kingdom

Authorities gave police protection to two prominent British Muslims who have denounced terrorism. Police warned of credible threats to the two men after Shabaab, al Qaeda’s Somali affilate, released a video praising British jihadists and the killing of a UK soldier this summer in Woolwich. Scotland Yard is investigating the video.

United Kingdom

Prime Minister Cameron said that a British newspaper’s publication of data obtained by NSA leaker Edward Snowden has damaged national security; MI5 had strongly warned against such publication. Shabaab, the al Qaeda affiliate based in Somalia, released a video extolling the Woolwich murder of a UK soldier and claiming Shabaab has British fighters from all […]

United Kingdom

MI5 estimates that as many as 200 British jihadists have traveled to Syria to fight. Intelligence sources say most of them are university-educated British Pakistanis in their 20s. The majority of British jihadists in Syria are thought to be fighting with extremist and al Qaeda-linked groups.

United Kingdom

Police arrested four British nationals in London suspected of plotting a potentially “very serious” terror attack. In simultaneous raids, a Turk and an Algerian, both 25, were arrested in Whitechapel; a 28-year-old Azerbaijani was arrested in Bayswater; and a 29-year-old Pakistani was arrested in Peckham. Authorities are searching six addresses in London.

United Kingdom

Foreign Minister Hague said the UK is now “more open to direct contact” with Iran; talks have begun on reopening their respective embassies. Hague also said that unless Iran takes concrete steps to address its breach of UN resolutions on its nuclear program, the UK will continue to maintain strong sanctions against Iran.


New York case offers insight into secret war against Somali militants

United Kingdom

Home Secretary May said security has been heightened at shopping centers after the Westgate massacre in Nairobi, and noted that a number of potential terrorists have left the UK to fight in Somalia and Syria. The chairman of the UK’s Charity Commission warned that money raised to help Syrian refugees was “undoubtedly” going to extremist […]


Exclusive: Iraq still using bogus bomb detectors – and thousands pay the price

United Kingdom

A 33-year-old Anglo-Libyan man suspected of links to terrorist groups, including the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, has filed a legal challenge with the European Court of Human Rights to the UK’s control order on his activities. The suspected terrorist, identified only as “AF,” had previously contested government restrictions. In recent years UK terrorism suspects have […]

United Kingdom

An appeals court upheld the seizure of the house of convicted terrorist Munir Farooqi, who had used the home to recruit fighters for the Taliban in Afghanistan. Farooqi also lost an appeal against his conviction, as did co-defendants Matthew Newton and Israr Malik. Farooqi had fought with the Taliban in Afghanistan and later turned his […]


Secret MI6 plot to help Col Gaddafi escape Libya revealed


Samantha Lewthwaite: The quiet Home Counties girl who now tops the list of terrorism suspects


Kenya : How ‘white widow’ Samantha Lewthwaite has escaped anti-terror police traps all along


Plenty of money for weapons in Syria, little for refugees

United Kingdom

The Home Office said that 249 persons were arrested for terrorism-related offenses in 2012/13. Of the 249 arrested, 37 were charged with a terrorism-related offense, and so far 23 of the 37 have been convicted.