Tag Archives: United Kingdom

United Kingdom

Abu Suleiman al-Britani, a British-born jihadist of Pakistani origin, reportedly detonated in an Al Nusrah Front suicide bombing at Aleppo Central Prison in Syria earlier this week. He is said to have been a Londoner. The UK has blacklisted the Al Nusrah Front, al Qaeda’s Syrian branch. As many as 20 UK fighters are thought […]

United Kingdom

A British jihadist of Afghan origin called Abu Layth has reportedly been killed while fighting for the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham in clashes with rebels; he is said to be the seventh British jihadist killed in Syria. Saajid Muhammad Badat, a British terrorist turned informant, has agreed to testify in the New […]

United Kingdom

French President Hollande said the UK and France have the “same level” Syrian jihadism, with some 600 to 700 people from their respective countries fighting in Syria; Whitehall countered that an estimated 350 Britons are fighting there. Six persons appeared in court for offenses linked to Syria, and two north London brothers, Akram and Mohamed […]

United Kingdom

The head of the Police Officers’ Association said British nationals who travel to Syria to fight with the rebels could be arrested upon their return, and noted that already this year UK authorities have arrested 16 people on suspicion of terrorism offenses in Syria, compared to 24 arrests total in 2013. Former prime minister Tony […]


State Dept. Learned in November of Photos Said to Show Torture in Syria

United Kingdom

Two London women, Amal Elwahabi, 27, and Nawal Msaad, 26, have been charged with raising money for terrorists in Syria; Elwahabi was arresting while trying to board a flight to Turkey. Parliament’s human rights watchdog called for a review of the government’s counterterrorism powers, particularly its current terrorism prevention and investigation measures.

United Kingdom

Foreign Secretary Hague demanded that the perpetrators of mass torture and killings in Syria blamed on the Assad regime and disclosed by a recent report be brought to justice. Ofcom, the communications watchdog, cleared three British broadcasters of breaching the broadcasting code for airing an interview with hate preacher Anjem Choudary, former leader of banned […]

United Kingdom

Counterterrorism police arrested a man at Stansted airport as he arrived from Turkey. An appellate court rejected the case of a Pakistani man whose father was killed by a US drone strike. Five of seven terror suspects to be freed from security restrictions later this month are deemed highly dangerous and likely to engage in […]

United Kingdom

A Syrian defector from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham said the terror group is training British, European, and American recruits to conduct terror attacks in their home countries. Some 500 British fighters are believed to have traveled to Syria, and about 50 are thought to have already returned home. Jihadists in Syria […]

United Kingdom

Scotland Yard is questioning two women suspected of terrorist activity; one was arrested at Heathrow airport on Jan. 16 as she tried to board a flight for Istanbul with a large quantity of cash, and the other was arrested in northwest London yesterday. A man from Sheldon, Birmingham, was arrested at Gatwick airport yesterday on […]


West has discussed co-operation with Syria, Damascus claims

United Kingdom

Police arrested two men at Heathrow airport who had arrived on a flight from Istanbul. The two Birmingham men are thought to have traveled to Syria for jihad in May 2013. A British ship will join the convoy that is removing Syria’s chemical weapons for disposal.

United Kingdom

Michael Adebowale, an Islamist convicted of murdering British soldier in Woolwich, said he was inspired to convert to Islam by US-born hate preacher Sheikh Khalid Yasin, who resides in the UK. Yasin has advocated the killing of homosexuals and is linked to jihadist circles in the country.


Secret CIA testimony identifies real Lockerbie mastermind

United Kingdom

Abdul-Hakim Belhaj, the former leader of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, lost his case against British officials whom he had accused of colluding in his rendition to Libya; now in Tripoli, he vowed to appeal. The BBC was criticized for giving lengthy air time to hate preacher Anjem Choudhary to discuss the verdict in the […]