Tag Archives: United Kingdom


Terror training in Syria makes attack on UK ‘inevitable’

United Kingdom

The Muslim Brotherhood, which is accused of planning attacks from the UK, warned that it will sue the government if an investigation results in restrictions on its UK activities. Authorities arrested a 17-year-old male linked to the escape of Shabaab terror suspect Mohammed Ahmed Mohamed from a London mosque last year. A member of Parliament […]

United Kingdom

Prime Minister Cameron has commissioned a study of the Muslim Brotherhood; reports have emerged that a number of members of the organization, which has been banned in Egypt, have set up operations in the UK. The head of the Prison Officers’ Association warned that a steep rise in the number of ‘convenience Muslims,’ inmates who […]

United Kingdom

Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee said the UK needs to do more to combat extremism in the Sahel-Sahara region, where jihadists have “put down roots,” and that there is no sign yet that African countries are capable of dealing with the increasing threat on their own. A video was released showing British jihadists with the Islamic […]

Al Qaeda

Malaysia Airline MH370: 9/11-style terror allegations resurface in case of lost plane

United Kingdom

Authorities are investigating reports that four Birmingham schools were targeted for Islamist radicalization; Zahoor Iqbal, a former “achievement mentor” at one of the schools, was convicted in 2008 for supporting terrorism. Police arrested two men and a woman from Manchester, and a man from Oxford, on suspicion of Syria-related terrorism offenses; a Manchester man is […]

Al Qaeda

Mainstream UK charities have donated thousands to Islamic group fronted by terror suspect

United Kingdom

Former Guantanamo detainee Moazzam Begg, 45, and Gerrie Tahari, a 44-year-old woman, pled not guilty to charges of providing terrorism training and funding terrorism overseas, and were remanded in custody. They were arrested last week in Birmingham along with two other men who remain in custody. Begg, an activist for an organization advocating for rights […]


UK leaves its Helmand project – like its roads, clinics and bridges – unfinished

United Kingdom

Two British Muslim converts who hacked British soldier Lee Rigby to death on a busy street in Woolwich last year were sentenced to prison; Michael Adebolajo was handed a life term and Michael Adebowale will be incarcerated for at least 45 years. The judge said the pair, who were removed from the courtroom during sentencing […]

United Kingdom

Former Guantanamo detainee Moazzam Begg was arrested with three other people in Birmingham on suspicion of facilitating terrorism overseas. He has advocated against arresting British jihadists who fight in Syria.

United Kingdom

British authorities are said to be “closely monitoring” some 250 British jihadists who have fought in Syria and returned home. A British fighter with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham in Syria appeared in a YouTube clip warning aspiring British jihadists of the difficulties of the battle zone.

United Kingdom

Jordan Horner, 20, a Muslim convert linked to Islamist groups, was given a five-year order prohibiting him from making “unsolicited approaches” advocating sharia law that cause distress, and from meeting with Anjem Choudary, Royal Barnes, Ricardo McFarlane, or Dean Le Page unless for worship inside a mosque or other Islamic cultural center. Horner served as […]

United Kingdom

Extremist cleric Omar Bakri Muhammad said suspected British suicide bomber Abdul Waheed Majeed was one of his former students and a member of the banned group al-Muhajiroun. Police are investigating the sending of small bombs to a number of Army recruiting offices in southeast England over the past week. Police reportedly do not believe the […]

United Kingdom

Police searched a residence in Crawley, West Sussex, said to have been the home of British suicide bomber Abdul Waheed Majid a.k.a. Abu Suleiman al-Britani, who detonated in an Al Nusrah Front assault on Aleppo prison in Syria last week. Majid, a 41-year-old UK citizen of Pakistani origin, is thought to be the first British […]