Tag Archives: United Arab Emirates


Mozilla furious as disguised spyware used against pro-democracy activists

United Arab Emirates

The UAE arrested seven Arab nationals who were helping al Qaeda plan attacks on the country. The cell was also promoting and recruiting for the group, as well as providing funding and logistical support, and seeking to expand activities to other countries in the region. An Abu Dhabi court is trying 94 people linked to […]

United Arab Emirates

UAE charged 94 people with attempting to overthrow the government. The suspects were alleged to have built a secret network, raised money through real estate deals, and maintained links to the Muslim Brotherhood for expertise and financial support.


African troops bound for Mali as France battles militants

United Arab Emirates

Dubai’s police chief said a militant cell detained in the United Arab Emirates had links to al Qaeda in Yemen. The cell had planned bomb attacks in the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and other states in the region.

United Arab Emirates

UAE’s security services arrested 10 members of a cell linked to Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood. The group recruited Egyptian expatriates in the UAE and had received instruction on means of changing leadership in Arab countries.

United Arab Emirates

Security forces arrested several UAE and Saudi nationals who are members of a “deviant group,” a term commonly used to describe al Qaeda. The cell was plotting to conduct attacks in the UAE and Saudi Arabia.


German Weapons Exports on the Rise as Merkel Doctrine Takes Hold


As cyberwarfare heats up, allies turn to US companies for expertise