Ukrainian port eyed as analysts seek Syria’s arms source
Ukrainian port eyed as analysts seek Syria’s arms source
‘Land Grabbing’: Foreign Investors Buy Up Third World Farmland
Moldova says it detains uranium dealers from rebel region
China’s arms exports flooding sub-Saharan Africa
Ukrainian officials, acting on a European Court of Human Rights recommendation, suspended the extradition to Russia of Adam Osmayev, a Chechen accused of links to alleged Caucasus Emirate plots to assassinate Vladmir Putin and Ramzan Kadyrov. Omayev says he is innocent and that his confession was obtained under torture.
N. Koreans convicted of trying to steal rocket technology from Ukraine
Russian Church Opposes Syrian Intervention
Reward Offered For Information On Ukrainian Bombings
Supplies for Assad: German Ship Carrying Weapons Stopped Near Syria
Property prices plunge after Kabul violence
Israelis conducting global war on Hamas
Better security curbing nuclear terrorism: UN body
On the trail of weapons smugglers
Wikileaks cables: US fights flow of arms from eastern Europe to its enemies
Russia expands military presence in Kyrgyzstan