Tag Archives: thailand


Muslim insurgents beheaded a Buddhist man and shot his wife, while another Buddhist was murdered in a drive-by shooting. Insurgents also damaged a bridge and railway in bombings in the Muslim south.


Thailand’s junta leader blamed political opposition for the New Years Eve bombing campaign, and warns more attacks may be in the offing. Three were killed and 38 wounded in nine seperate bombings throughout the capital of Bangkok.


Multiple explosions rock the Thai capital of Bangkok. At least 3 people have been killed and 20 more injured, amny at an explosion at the Victory Monument. Bangkok Pundit is covering the situation live, and reports New Years celebrations have been canceled.


Two Buddhist teachers were shot, then set on fire in Yala province in Thailand’s Muslim south. Two Muslim defence volunteers were also killed in shooting over the past 24 hours.


Muslim insurgents killed two Muslims and a Buddhist, and burned an elementary school. Teachers and schools have been the primary targets of insurgents, as 110 schools have been burned and 71 school teachers, administrators and school staff killed over the past year.


Thailand may hold peace talks with Muslims in Brunei, says Mahathir’s NGO


Schools remain closed since Monday in Yala, Narathiwat and Pattani provinces to protest attacks on school buildings and teachers. Human Rights Watch blames BRN-C youth wing, Pemuda, and RKK. Zach Abuza has previously noted that both groups are Islamist in nature and include in their leadership JI and Afghan trained fighters.


Thai Militants Claim Border As Religious Conflict Zone


Four Thais, including two soldiers, were murdered by by Muslim insurgents on motorbikes. The Thai government will lift martial law in all provinces but seven, including the three Muslim provinces on the Malaysian border.


As the Thai government waits for Muslim insurgent groups to accept peace talks , 2 more teachers are killed in the south. One of the teachers was burned alive in his car after surviving the shooting. Five Thais have been killed today.


Two are killed and 16 wounded in a bombing in the Muslim south. Zachary Abuza notes that the violence has not abated since the coup against the Thaksin government two months ago, despite the new government’s attempts at reconciliation.


Muslim insurgents are targeting Buddhist in the Thai south; 6 were killed over the past several days. One was shot, killed and partially decapitated. Human Rights watch called on insurgents to stop targeting civilians and said 30 civilians have been killed or wounded the past week.


Thai terrorists detonated bombs in 3 locations in southern Thailand, killing 1 and wounding 27. The military coup against Thaksin was carried out “because he had weakened the military.” The interim prime minister calls for youth programs to “help deter the teenagers from being roped in and brainwashed by insurgents.”


Man killed in restive southern Thailand as suspected insurgents open fire at tea shop


Buddhists flee from Muslim majority villages in Southern Thailand


Muslim insurgents detonate 8 bombs simultaneously at car and motorcycle showrooms in southern Thailand, injuring 9. The Thai junta has lifted a ban on politcal assembly and may end martial law by November 18th.


School staff shot dead, rail station bombed in Thai violence


Thia Muslim insurgents burned three schools and killed a teacher; 7 were killed in a spate of shootings. Insurgents also killed five in simultaneous bombings of three karaoke bars. The new Thai government wants to negotiate.


Thailand’s new government may pardon 58 Muslims arrested during the 2004 Tak Bai incident, and is openly exploring peace talks. A suspected Muslim insurgent shot an army sergeant in an execution-style killing in front of hundreds of people at a busy market in southern Thailand.