Tag Archives: thailand


Muslim insurgents burned a school in Yala province and wounded a policeman in a roadside bombing. Southern townsmen are increasingly relying on militias for protection. Police have identified a third suspect in the Bangkok New Year’s Eve bombing.


Three students were killed and 7 wounded in an explosion at a Muslim school in Songkhla province. Two Muslims were killed in an attack in Narathiwat province, and Buddhist in Pattani. Twenty-five Muslim insurgents were arrested in Yala and Narathiwat. In one raid, police found “maps with marking on the spot where the commuter van […]


Thailand is considering expanding the curfew beyond the 2 districts of Yala province. Six suspects were arrested in the attack on a civilian van, where 9 were executed by Muslim insurgents.


Muslim insurgents in Yala province ambushed a van, drug the passengers and shot all 9 passengers in the head, including 4 women and 2 children. To counter the rise in the Muslim insurgency, Thai security forces will distribute amulets, which serve as a spiritual talisman, to over 300,000 Buddhists. Thailand conducted a massive origami air […]


Muslim insurgents attacked a Burmese construction camp in Pattani province and killed 3 and wounded 4. One of the workers was beheaded. A bombing in Yala wounded 4, while a school was torched in Narathiwat. “An Associated Press investigation conducted over the past three months indicates the separatist rebellion, which has already taken the lives […]


Muslim insurgents killed two Buddhists in the southern province of Yala. One of the men was beheaded. Two police were wounded after an IED was detonated near the man’s body. This is the 25 beheading in Thailand since January 2004.


Muslim insurgents killed 2 civilians and wounded 1 in separate drive by shootings in Yala and Pattini provinces. The defense ministry said “counter-insurgency efforts in the South were failing because security forces were too defensive and vowed to switch to more hard-line tactics to keep militants at bay.”


Thai soldiers killed 8 Muslim insurgents during a raid on a camp in Narathiwat province near the Malaysian border. Over 100 troops are said to be tracking those who escaped. The “Warriors of Pattani Islamic State” claimed responsibility for the series of attacks on February 18.


Three civilians were murdered by Muslim insurgents in the south. Three soldiers were wounded in an IED attack in the southern Narathiwat province.


Both Canada and Australia have issued travel advisories for Thailand. Australia issued a specific warning on “bombing attacks at crowded places such as department stores, and sky-train and subway stations in Bangkok on Friday 23 February 2007.” Canada has “advised against non-essential travel to the capital, Bangkok.” Thailand’s defense minister warned insurgents are in the […]


Over 20 Muslim insurgents attacked a convoy with the queen’s aide in Yala province. Insurgents also set fire to a warehouse in Yala, and killed three in the south. explosives used in the Chinese New Year bombings have been traced back to Malaysia.


Eight were killed and over 50 wounded in over 50 near simultaneous bombing, arson and other attacks throughout four provinces in southern Thailand. Several bombs were discovered in a department store, and two schools were burned.


A Muslim village leader was shot in a mosque, while 8 soldiers were injured in two separate bombs attacks in southern Thailand. The new Thai government wants to negotiate with the Muslim insurgents.


A Buddhist and a Muslim were shot dead by Muslim insurgents in southern Thailand, while three Thai Marines were wounded in an IED attack. The Islamic Committee of Pattani and 670 southern mosques on Friday condemned the beheading of a 72 year old man. This was the 24th beheading in Thailand since 2004.


Police were the target of a roadside bombing in the southern province of Narathiwat, while a teacher was wounded in a shooting. Three Buddhist workers were gunned down by Muslim insurgents in the province of Songkhla.


Thailand considers Sharia law in troubled Muslim south


Thai intelligence agencies claim al Qaeda linked Jemaah Islamiah is involved with the Bangkok New Year’s Eve bombings. The Thai government still claims the attacks are “related to people who lost political benefits,” implying ousted PM Thaksin and his party are responsible.