Tag Archives: thailand


Muslim insurgents of the Runda Kampulan Kecil (RKK) killed 7 Thai soldiers in an attack in the southern Narathiwat province. The RKK hit the vehicle with a 50 pound bomb, then proceeded to shoot the survivors. Insurgents also killed a father and son in Yala province.


An estimated 1,000 Muslims demonstrated outside a military base in Pattani. The Thai government claimed they were encouraged by Muslim insurgents. A Buddhist was shot, then burned in in Yala province.


Muslim insurgents killed two Buddhist farm laborers and wounded another inTYala province. The deputy foreign minister claimed last weekend’s bombing in Bangkok was not related to the Muslim insurgency. “Terrorism is very restricted to the deep south.” Teachers demanded better security in the south.


A bomb was detonated in the capital of Bangkok, wounding one. Security has been stepped up in the city. Muslim insurgents killed 9 in bombings and shootings in the south.


Muslim insurgents shot a policeman in Pattani and a soldier in Narathiwat province. A captured Muslim insurgent said the Prime Minister’s amnesty proposal would be effective in halting the insurgency.


Muslim insurgents burned 166 (15%) of the schools in southern Thailand. Over 1,100 police are being sent to protect the southern schools. Muslim insurgents killed 1 and wounded 6 in attacks in Pattani and Yala provinces.


Muslim insurgents killed 1 and wounded 25 in a bombing at a market in the suthern province of Pattani. Insurgents also shot and killed a father and son, and beheaded the father. This was the 28th beheading.


Thailand’s Defence Minister is reportedly holding secret meetings with Muslim insurgent leaders, with the help of Malaysia’s Prime Minister. Muslim insurgents detonated a bomb at a market in Narathiwat, wounding a 68-year-old woman and her grandson. An unidentified gunman shot at the Krue Se Mosque, which was morning the third anniversary a massacre at the […]


Muslim insurgents wounded 4 women after detonating a bomb in a restaurant in Narathiwat. The Army said there are not enough troops deployed in the south. The government backed the calls for making Buddhism the state religion, and said this will not impact the Muslim insurgency.


Arab governments are backing the Thai government’s efforts to resolve the Muslim insurgency in the south. A man was killed and his wife wounded in a drive by shooting in Pattani province.


Muslim insurgents killed 2 soldiers and wounded in a roadside bombing in the southern province of Pattani. The Prime minister said the government will “consider amnesty for outlaws who abandon the southern gangs.”


Muslim insurgents killed two young Buddhist women in drive by shooting and burned a school in Narathiwat province. Thai officials claim insurgents are now using car door openers to detonate bombs after security forces began using electronic countermeasures. The Prime Minister said reconciliation with Muslim insurgents is not an option.


Muslim insurgents murdered two Buddhists in Narathiwat, and then beheaded one of them. A police colonel lost an arm and a leg in an explosion while investigating a bombing attack against utility targets in Narathiwat.


Muslim insurgents shut down the rail service from Yala province into Malaysia after wounding three civilians on a train. In Narathiwat, insurgents also murdered a 70 year old Buddhist farmer and burned his body.


Two Thai rangers were wounded in an IED attack, while Thai soldiers killed 2 Muslim teens in Narathiwat province. Muslim insurgents torched 4 cell towers and a school in Pattani province.


Thailand Heightens Security as Country Marks Traditional New Year


Muslim insurgents shot then burned the body of a Buddhist woman in Yala. Muslim insurgent detonated a bomb in a Yala market, wounding seven.


Muslim insurgents shot up a pickup truck carrying students and other passengers in the southern province of Yala. Three were killed and 7 wounded in the attack. On the same day, a host of shootings and roadside bombings occurred in Yala.


Insurgents bombed a mosque in Yala province, wounding 14, while four schools were burned down. Muslim insurgents killed 2 civilians wounded 3 in shootings in Narathiwat province. Three military officers were wounded inan IED attack and a mechanic was shot in Yala province.


Muslim insurgents shot 3 Thais, including a teacher, and 4 others were wounded in bombings in Yala, Pattani and Narathiwat provinces. The Thai government has asked Malaysia to not sell weapons to Muslim insurgents and clamp down on the border. The 11 insurgents captured last week are not believed to be Malaysians.


1 teacher, elderly couple shot dead in Thailand’s restive south


Police detained 11 Muslim insurgents and found weapons caches during raids in the Damabuwo village in Narathiwat province. Over 1,700 Rangers trained in counterinsurgency are being sent in to the three southernmost provinces of Songkhla, Yala and Narathiwat. The ruling junta may propose “emergency rule” in Bangkok to help fight the southern insurgency.


Violence tests soft strategy in Thailand’s Muslim south


Muslim insurgents shot and killed 2 police officers in a market in the southern province of Narathiwat. The Privy Council President implored Muslims to follow the teachings of the Koran to hasten the end of the insurgency.


(Thailand) Deconstructing the phenomenon of the southern mob


Muslim insurgents have adopted al Qaeda’s tactics, according to a Thai general. A husband and wife who were selling toys outside a wedding were murdered “before the eyes of hundreds of local residents attending the wedding.” A Thai Army patrol was ambushed, killing 1 soldier and wounding 2.