US Weapons for Afghans May End Up with Taliban
US Weapons for Afghans May End Up with Taliban
Mullah Omar discusses the Taliban’s governance efforts at length in a message commemorating the end of Ramadan.
After Losing Province in 2010, Afghan Taliban Strike Back
Taliban Making Military Gains in Afghanistan
Wary Pakistan puts military in charge of capital’s security
Pakistani officials have said there was a “mix-up” and an al Qaeda explosives expert, and not Rasheed, was captured during a raid two weeks ago in South Waziristan.
Medal of Honor recipient: Award is for fallen brothers
US Mentors Prepare to Let Afghan Forces Go It Alone
In the first edition of its new online newsletter, Al Nafir, al Qaeda renews its oath of allegiance to Taliban leader Mullah Omar. The move is likely a response to the Islamic State’s claim that it rules over a caliphate with its leader, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, serving as the new caliph. Last week, al Qaeda released a video of Osama bin Laden discussing his oath of allegiance to Mullah Omar.
Sanafi al Nasr, a top al Qaeda leader based in Syria, named three jihadists killed in the “Khorasan.”
Pakistani Singer Joins Growing List Of Slain Female Artists
The US has launched three strikes in the Datta Khel area of North Waziristan in the past 10 days, indicating that a top jihadist leader is thought to be operating there.
Terror Group Back on the Offensive in Afghanistan
Afghanistan accuses Pakistan of letting Haqqani militants escape crackdown
The strike is the second in the Datta Khel area of North Waziristan in the past week.
In Taliban heartland where US once fought, Afghan forces triumph — for now
Rasheed leads the Taliban’s Ansar al Aseer Khorasan (“Helpers of the Prisoners”) and also claimed to have formed a suicide team to kill former President Musharraf.
Marine captain refused to leave Afghan interpreter behind
Pakistan Claims Win Against Militants Along Afghan Border, but Enemy Slips Away
The Taliban’s statement avoids any explicit mention of the Islamic State or its announced caliphate, even though the Islamic State has claimed that all Muslims must pledge allegiance to its leader.
Crime spree helps Pakistani Taliban squirrel away cash before raids begin
The strike took place in an area of North Waziristan that has served as a command center for al Qaeda’s military.
A district center in Ghor province was overrun by hundreds of Taliban, while the group sent more than a dozen fighters to attack the governor’s compound and police headquarters in Kandahar City.
The Taliban, the Haqqani Network, al Qaeda, the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, and other jihadist groups all operate in the province.
A police official said more than 400 fuel and supply trucks were destroyed by the Taliban last night in an attack on a trucking terminal just outside the Afghan capital.
Afghan monthly casualties increase in June
A government official said that those who “terrorize in Pakistan” are the target of the operation, while a general danced around the issue of the Haqqani Network.
The Pakistani military continues to claim no civilians have been killed in its offensive in North Waziristan. No Haqqani Network or Hafiz Gul Bahadar Group commanders or fighters have been identified as killed or captured.
Pakistani army begins ground offensive against Taliban
Taliban hold territory after Afghan offensive