Tag Archives: Taliban

Missile strike kills 20 in South Waziristan

A missile strike destroyed two compounds and killed up to 20 insurgents in the al Qaeda and Taliban safe haven of South Waziristan. This is the second major strike against insurgent hideouts in Pakistan’s tribal states this week.

Unprecedented Coalition strike nails the Haqqani Network in North Waziristan

Military officials have confirmed the March 12 strike against the Haqqani Network took place inside North Waziristan. Phil Peterson, who is currently with the US military in Afghanistan, witnessed the meticulous planning and execution of this unprecedented strike against insurgent positions inside Pakistani territory. Written by Matt DuPee with reporting from Phil Peterson.

Talibanistan Expands further into the NWFP

Pakistan’s Northwest Frontier Province and Federally Administered Tribal Areas The Waziristan Accord gives the Taliban the power to influence territory within Pakistan The Pakistani government’s decision to negotiate with the Taliban and al Qaeda in North and South Waziristan during 2006 has serious consequences for the internal security of Pakistan as well as the international […]

The Lost Territories

North Waziristan and Quetta: Pakistani Tribal regions continue to slide into the hands of the Taliban and al Qaeda The Afghan-Pakistan border regions. News from Pakistan’s western tribal belt is less than encouraging these days. The Taliban and their al Qaeda backers continue to operate from safe havens within Pakistan, particularly in North Waziristan and […]

A Hard August for the Taliban in Afghanistan

The “Taliban Offensive” continues to produce Taliban bodies but the Taliban and al Qaeda continue to grow in Northwestern Pakistan The Taliban’s summer of 2006 “offensive” continues to produce inordinately large numbers of Taliban casualties with little to show for the slaughter. But the Taliban still possess its bases of operation in northwestern Pakistan, and […]