Tag Archives: Syria


Iran’s Ayatollahs Blame Morsi’s ‘Pro-Israeli, Pro-US’ Stance For Egypt Crisis


The rebel Syrian National Coalition chose a new leader, Ahmad Assi Jarba, a Syrian dissident with close ties to Saudi Arabia; he has previously been charged with obtaining arms for the Free Syrian Army. Both state and opposition media reported a clash near the Turkish border in the town of al-Dana between rebels and an […]


A suicide bomber detonated in Aleppo. Regime forces increased shelling of Homs. Pro-regime forces along with Hezbollah clashed with rebels in Homs. Russia blocked a draft UN statement calling for humanitarian access to be granted “immediately “in Homs, and proposed instead that civilians be allowed to leave not only Homs but also Nubul and Zahra. […]


Two Syria shrine towns: Worlds apart yet united in battle


In official remarks, Bashar al-Assad called the overthrow of the Morsi government in Egypt a defeat for political Islam. The rebel Syrian National Coalition, which has been leaderless for months, is meeting in Istanbul today to name a new leader. A senior opposition source said the US and France are providing aid to rebel units […]


A Tunisian commander in the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham was killed in fighting with a military motorcade near Ein Issa in Raqqah. Regime forces assisted by Hezbollah fighters attempted to retake rebel-held areas in Homs, but despite fierce regime shelling did not advance. The six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council asked the UN to intervene […]


Regime forces launched a major assault on rebel-held areas of Homs, which they have been trying to regain for a year. Saudi Arabia is thought to have recently speeded up shipments of heavy weapons to the rebels. A German aid group announced that three of its employees were kidnapped over six weeks ago in northwest […]


Syria: France’s evidence of chemical weapons use increases with 14 samples


Syria: France’s evidence of chemical weapons use increases with 14 samples


Rebel forces claimed to have overrun a major military outpost in Deraa. Kurdistan Workers’ Party fighters shot and killed three protesters in Amuda. The Gulf Cooperation Council nations of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Oman, and Qatar will meet next week to plan the imposition of sanctions on Hezbollah for its role in […]


Biden Gathers Senators For Last-Minute Syria Briefing; CIA Torture Report Nixed


The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights estimated that the Syrian conflict has now claimed over 100,000 lives, including those of at least 18,000 rebel fighters and 40,000 soldiers and pro-Assad militiamen. The activist group also said that regime forces have detained 10,000 people and rebels have captured 2,500 soldiers and loyalist militiamen.


The Al Nusrah Front claimed a seven-man suicide assault in Damascus and another bombing in Damascus. An Al Nusrah Front fighter was killed in a clash at a checkpoint in Reef Damashq. Pro-regime popular committees executed a man in Hama. The commander of the Ahfad Muhammad battalion from Reef Deir Izzor was killed in an […]


Officials: Obama’s policy team trying to ‘rein in’ Kerry over pledges to allies, rivals


An emergency room doctor was executed in Quneitira on orders of the Shariah Council after being kidnapped by the Islamist Ahrar al-Sham militia. Kurdish Defence units and rebel forces clashed in al Hasaka. Suicide and car bombs killed at least eight people in Damascus, and a car bombing in Aleppo killed 12 soldiers. The Syrian […]


The Friends of Syria group pledged to “provide urgently all the necessary materiel and equipment to the opposition on the ground.” The group is comprised of Britain, France, the US, Germany, Italy, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Turkey and Egypt. US Secretary of State Kerry said the US is coordinating with the […]