Tag Archives: Syria


Reported Chemical Weapons Attack Could Kill Obama’s Syria Strategy


How Syria’s Jihadists Win Friends and Influence People


A suicide bombing at an Aleppo city restaurant killed at least five civilians and injured over 20 more. Kurdish fighters continued to clash with the Al Nusrah Front, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, and allied rebel factions in Hasakah and Raqqah. Regime bombardments continued in Ghouta, where rebels claimed hundreds were killed […]


Opposition: More bodies found after alleged Syria chemical attack


Images of Death in Syria, but No Proof of Chemical Attack


Video: Syrian chemical weapons use ‘hard to prove’


Chemical weapon claims: Two Syrian activists’ diverging viewpoints


Putting Rivalries Aside, All Main Kurdish Parties To Meet For First Time


The UN held an emergency meeting over allegations that chemical weapons were used in an attack today that reportedly killed at least 100 people. Syrian opposition groups blamed the regime for the attack, and some claimed that over 1,000 were killed. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said massive regime bombardments in the Ghouta area […]


U.S. Spies, Experts: Chemical Weapons Likely in Syria Attack


In Syria, seized weapons caches boost rebels’ hopes after weeks of setbacks


Iraq’s Kurdistan region sets quota for Syrian refugees


Jordan king urges Muslim clerics to fight Syria sectarian strife


Regime forces launched an assault in Deir al-Zor, trying to regain territory seized by a coalition headed by the Al Nusrah Front and the Qatar-backed Ahfad al-Rasul Brigade. Fighters from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant and from the Al Nusrah Front detained over 30 Syrian Kurdish civilians last night in Aleppo province; […]


Battalions of the Tajamo’ Alwiyat wa Shuhada’ Souriya, Haraket Ahrar al-Sham al-Islamiya, Suqour al-Sham, and Al Nusrah Front said they will launch a series of attacks on checkpoints in the Ariha area of Idlib province. “Persons close to” the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant claimed that a missing Catholic priest is still alive, […]


A Libyan emir of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant was reportedly killed in clashes with regime forces in Latakia. The Islamist Jund al Sham battalion claimed an attack in Homs that killed nine civilians. Control of the main crossing between rebel-held and regime areas of Aleppo has been given to the rebel […]


Rebels killed at least 11 people, including six civilians, in an attack on a checkpoint in Homs. Fighters from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant attacked a Yazidi Kurdish village in Hasakah province. ISIL forces in Hasakah attacked a Kurdish Red Crescent ambulance with an IED and machinegun fire, killing two paramedics and […]


Even as War Rages, Economies of Syria and Lebanon Stay Intertwined


A regime bombardment in Aleppo city reportedly killed at least 15 civilians and injured scores more. Clashes continued between Kurdish and Islamist forces in Hasakah, in Raqqah, and in Aleppo. Earlier this week, the head of the Syrian National Coalition urged the formation of a new unified rebel force to combat Hezbollah and restore order […]