Tag Archives: Syria

Salafi jihadists hold public march in Gaza denouncing Assad and el Sisi

Salafi jihadists in the Gaza Strip recently held a rare public demonstration in the Gaza Strip denouncing the Assad regime as well as the Egyptian military’s takeover. In addition to numerous al Qaeda black flags, demonstrators held pictures of Bashar al Assad and Abdel Fattah el Sisi with text calling the two leaders “murderers and killers.”


As Syria deteriorates, neighbors fear bioweapons threat


Syria could be a crucial proving ground for US cyberwarriors


Syrian rebels say they’ll pounce on Assad’s forces if US attacks


US saw yearlong rise in chemical weapons use by Syria


Rockets in Syrian Attack Carried Large Payload of Gas, Experts Say


The government offered a reward for the capture of any “non-Syrian terrorist,” and promised that amnesty would be offered to rebels who informed on their comrades. Syrian troops and tanks took up positions outside the ancient Christian village of Maaloula, which was stormed by the Al Nusrah Front and Free Syrian Army troops earlier this […]


Advocate for rebels wields influence with Kerry, McCain


The Syrian poet Mohammad al-Hamada was shot and killed by fighters from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant in Idlib after an altercation; he had gone there to inquire after his son, who had been missing for months. The local revolutionary council in Minbej city in Aleppo resigned its responsibilities to the military […]


Syria crisis: China joins Russia in opposing military strikes


As Syria deteriorates, neighbors fear bioweapons threat


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant reportedly beheaded two men near al-Dweiraniya in Aleppo in late August. The Al Nusrah Front and allied jihadists seized an army checkpoint today outside the ancient Christian town of Maalula after attacking the checkpoint with a suicide bombing. ISIL, the Al Nusrah Front, and “some rebel factions” […]


US Spies Missed Signs of Aug. 21 Syrian WMD Strike


Diplomat: UN chemical weapons team speeds up Syria analysis; due in 2 to 3 weeks


Syria: Military strike could spark a world war warns Vatican


West struggles to cope with online recruitment for Syria jihad


Proposed Syrian intervention – Six ways the president will try to convince Congress