Tag Archives: Syria


Securing Syria’s chemical weapons arsenal will be formidable task, experts say


Foreign Minister Mouallem said the regime would fully cooperate with Russia’s proposal that Syria surrender its chemical weapons, declare its chemical arsenal, stop producing the weapons, and sign conventions against them. A spokesman for the rebels’ Supreme Military Council said the US has begun supplying lethal as well as nonlethal aid to the rebels; he […]


Is the intelligence on Syria different this time?

Al Qaeda and the threat in Syria

Testimony to the House Committee on Homeland Security, on al Qaeda in Syria and the threat it poses to the US. Al Qaeda affiliates and allied jihadist groups dominate the insurgency in the heart of the Middle East.


Russian Proposal Catches Obama Between Putin and House Republicans


Obama’s national security adviser pushes for strike on Syria


Syria welcomed Russia’s proposal that Syria turn over all of its chemical weapons to international control in order to avoid US military strikes. The Free Syrian Army said it does not trust the regime’s pledge. President Assad said the US should “expect everything” if it attacks Syria, because of the variety of forces in the […]


Obama Admin Keeping Syrian Rebel Leader Out of DC, Congressional Sources Say


President Assad denied authorizing the use of chemical weapons against Syrians. Regime forces have dispersed into smaller units in advance of threatened US strikes. A veteran Italian journalist held in Syria since April has been released. The Al Nusrah Front said it planned to enter Raqqah city. Kurdish forces in Raqqah province are still clashing […]


Charlie Rose interviews Syrian President Bashar Assad


Pentagon adjusts plans for more intense attacks on Syria


Insight: Assad forces fear rebel rampage in aftermath of U.S. strikes


Ukrainian port eyed as analysts seek Syria’s arms source


Videos show glimpse into evidence for Syria intervention


Initial Investigation On Potential Chemical Weapons Found In Syria


The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported on “the increasing human rights violations that have been committed by the ISIS” (the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant). Several fighters from both sides were killed in clashes between Kurds and the Al Nusrah Front, the ISIL, and rebel fighters in Hasakah. The ruling Baath Party […]


Pope Francis leads global fasting, prayer day for Syria peace


Direct link between Assad and gas attack elusive for U.S.