Tag Archives: Syria


Al Nusrah Front fighters refused to surrender the body of a slain Palestinian fighter in the Yarmouk refugee camp in Damascus because they were holding out for an exchange of bodies. Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant fighters detained a member of Aleppo’s sharia council. Al Nusrah and rebel groups clashed violently with regime […]


Syrian weapons destruction may not take so long: US expert


US also demands Syrian transparency on nuclear research


Videos show Iranian officers supervising Syrian soldiers


US public-relations firm helps Putin make his case to America


Syria submitted its application to the UN to join the global Chemical Weapons Convention. Opposition websites claimed that a new chemical weapons attack in the Damascus suburb of Jobar has resulted in casualties. Kurdish forces in Hasakah have killed some 35 fighters from the Al Nusrah Front, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, […]


Americans Join Syrian Jihad, Sparking U.S. Intelligence Fears


US aid earmarked for moderate rebel groups, including weapons, vehicles, and communications equipment, is being distributed in Syria by contractors directed by US officials in Turkey. The Al Nusrah Front stormed a village in Homs, killing 20 civilians. Regime forces bombed strongholds of rebels and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant in a […]


US Backing of Russian Plan Leaves a Wary Israel Focusing on Self-Reliance


U.N. Report Will Finger Assad for Massive Chemical Attack


UN Rights Panel Cites Evidence of War Crimes by Both Sides in Syria


Red Cross urges US and Russia to help unblock aid delivery in Syria


UK approved more chemical exports to Syria than previously revealed


Dismantling Weapons Poses Logistics, Security Challenges