Tag Archives: Syria


The Mossad’s secret war on the Syrian WMD machine.


Plenty of money for weapons in Syria, little for refugees


Deputy Prime Minister Jamil said the conflict has reached a stalemate and the government will call for a ceasefire at the Geneva Two conference. US intelligence indicates the Assad regime has been moving chemical weapons since the US-Russian deal was reached for their surrender. The Supreme Military Council said the Islamic State of Iraq and […]

Al Qaeda

Court document references al Qaeda-linked chemical weapons program in Somalia


President Assad said disposal of Syria’s chemical weapons would take about a year and cost $1 billion. He strongly denied that his government was behind the Aug. 21 gas attack, and said Syria is committed to the US-Russian agreement for the surrender of Syria’s chemical arsenal. Syria gave Russia materials said to implicate the rebels […]


Russia handed materials by Syrian regime implicating rebels in chemical attack


UN Data on Gas Attack Points to Assad’s Top Forces


The pilot of a Syrian helicopter shot down over Latakia by a Turkish warplane may have been killed. The Syrian military said the helicopter had mistakenly crossed over into Turkish airspace while looking for infiltrating rebels. A car bomb exploded on the Syrian side of the Bab al-Hawa border crossing with Turkey in Idlib, injuring […]


Iranian President’s Speech and Online Army Video Point to Iran’s Dueling Interests in Syria


The Al Nusrah Front said it and a rebel battalion attacked three villages in eastern Homs last week; 22 civilians were killed. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant executed two Alawite men in Raqqah city. A rebel battalion in Raqqah city detained a rebel commander for publishing articles critical of the rebel forces. […]

Islamists dominate Syrian insurgency

A recent study by a British defense consultancy estimates that nearly half of the Syrian opposition forces are aligned with extremists, and that only a small minority are affiliated with basically secular or nationalist groups.


UN Syria warcrimes team checking 14 alleged chemical attacks


Inside White House, a Reversal on Syrian Arms


Lessons from Iraq, Libya loom large as diplomats ponder Syrian weapons probe


Regime forces stepped up attacks on rebel-held areas of Damascus following the US-Russian agreement on Syria’s chemical weapons; the rebels, disappointed with the recent deal, want the focus shifted to tilting the war in their favor. A recent study by a British defense consultancy estimates that nearly half of the Syrian rebels are now aligned […]


The Syrian National Coalition elected “moderate Islamist” Ahmad Tumeh as the SNC’s provisional prime minister. Tumeh plans to run the SNC provisional government from northern Syria; its financing is expected to come primarily from the Gulf, and Saudi Arabia in particular. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant clashed with regime forces on the […]


Maaloula’s cathedral and churches empty of Christians as Syria’s latest front-line fight takes its toll