Tag Archives: Syria


A suicide truck bombing by the Al Nusrah Front killed 43 people in Hama and wounded dozens more; although an army checkpoint was targeted, 32 of the dead were civilians. The head of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights accused the international community of hypocrisy for focusing on chemical weapons while thousands of Syrians are […]


Syria: Tensions escalate between Islamist rebels and Hamas


Battling on two fronts, moderate Syrian rebels struggle for funding, lose fighters


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, assisted by the Al Nusrah Front and rebel battalions, clashed with Kurdish YPG forces, and bombarded the towns of Kendar and Ando Kawi in Raqqah. Rebels and Islamist forces clashed in Reef Dimashq after an Al Nusrah truck bomb detonated by the Tamiko factory checkpoint, killing at […]


Regime bombardments killed 12 civilians in the Aleppo town of Tel’eren, which was wrested from the control of Liwa’ Jabhat al-Akrad rebels by the Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham in July. Al Nusrah and Ahrar al-Sham clashed with regime forces near Aleppo Central Prison. Al Nusrah executed 10 […]


Erdogan, Syria Rebels’ Leading Ally, Hesitates, 31 Months In


A rebel sniper killed senior Syrian general Jama’a Jama’a in a battle in Deir Azzour with fighters that included al Qaeda forces. He was head of military intelligence in Deir Azzour, and had been blacklisted by the US in 2006. A Canadian lawyer who worked for the UN observer force along Syria’s Golan Heights border […]


A rebel claiming to speak for some 65 Free Syrian Army units said they were withdrawing from the Syrian National Coalition. Regime gunners attacked rebel and Al Nusrah Front forces clashing with regime troops outside Aleppo Central Prison. Two Al Nusrah suicide bombers detonated inside the gates of the prison, killing at least seven guards […]


Fighting continued throughout Syria despite the Eid al-Adha holiday. Rebel bombs targeted churches in Damascus suburbs, as well as areas of central Damascus. Regime aircraft bombed rebel-held areas south and east of Damascus. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham clashed with the rebel Northern Storm brigade at the Bab Salam post at the […]


Syrian Rebels Urged to Let Inspectors See Arms Sites .


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham released four of the seven Red Cross aid workers recently kidnapped in Idlib; the group still holds three of them. A car bombing in Idlib killed at least 27 people and wounded dozens more. The Al Nusrah Front clashed with regime forces in Deir Azzour; rebels have […]