Tag Archives: Syria


No Morsel Too Minuscule for All-Consuming NSA


A rebel media center in Raqqah closed its offices in protest against the torture of an activist by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham. The Shuhada’ Bader battalion clashed with ISIS in Aleppo. Kurdish YPG forces continued to clash with ISIS and allied rebels in Aleppo, and with ISIS, the Al Nusrah Front, […]


Turkey, Iran seek cooperation to stem sectarian conflict in Mideast


The sharia council of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham in Aleppo sentenced the former leader of the Ghuraba’ al-Sham battalion to death. A rebel battalion took a stand with the Shuhda’ Bader battalion against the ISIS in Aleppo. The sharia council of Deir Izzour threatened an opposition TV station and prohibited it […]

Al Qaeda in Iraq, Syria a ‘transnational threat’

A senior administration official warned earlier this week that the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham (or Levant) is a “transnational threat” and “an increasing threat to us.” Iraq has exploded in violence since the withdrawal of American troops. The official said 38 suicide bombers have launched attacks in the last month alone.


Israeli warplanes reportedly struck Russian-made regime missiles in Latakia and a military base in Damascus; Lebanon claimed its airspace was violated. In Aleppo, regime forces took control of al Safira, and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham clashed with a rebel battalion and stormed a school. Abu Hamza, the leader and founder of […]


Exclusive: Syria Tries To Hold On To Its Chemical Weapons Factories


Hundreds of Syrian refugees ‘denied entry into Jordan’


Russia warned of the “huge threat” of an Islamist Syria in the event the Assad regime were overthrown militarily. Russia also expressed concern over a report that Islamists recently conducted a chemical attack in Hasakah. The Al Nusrah Front allegedly detained and killed a Kurdish civilian in Hasakah. Kurdish YPG forces continued to clash with […]


Syria footage sheds light on Iran’s involvement


Regime forces, opposition fighters, and aid organizations cooperated to evacuate 1,800 civilians from the besieged town of Mouadamiya near Damascus, but thousands remain trapped inside. Syria’s deputy prime minister was dismissed for an unauthorized meeting with US officials to discuss peace proposals. The leader of the Omar bin al-Khattab battalion was assassinated in Deir Izzour. […]


Shunned and isolated, Hamas reaches unprecedented low in Gaza


Tracking the Iranian-backed fleet that’s fueling the Assad regime.


Kurdish YPG fighters continued to clash with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, the Al Nusrah Front, and allied forces in Hasakah; a motorbike bomb detonated in Qamishli. Fighters from the Ahrar al Sham stormed al-Shmeitiya in Deir Izzour and seized a member of Syrian parliament and an al-Bousaraya tribal sheikh. ISIS set […]


Iran’s secret night flights to arm Syria’s Assad revealed


A group of 22 mainly Islamist brigades, including Suqour al-Sham, al-Tawhid, Ahfad al-Rasul, and Ahrar al-Sham, jointly declared that they would not participate in Geneva peace talks unless they result in the removal of President Assad. The Syrian National Coalition claimed that Iraqi and Kurdish militia forces battled against the Al Nusrah Front, the Islamic […]


Rice Offers a More Modest Strategy for Mideast


Tunisia’s ‘sexual jihad’ – extremist fatwa or propaganda?