Tag Archives: Syria


Jihadists from Spain in Syria: facts and figures


The UN asked for more humanitarian assistance for Syria, where four million Syrian children are in need. The Syrian army is said to be preparing an offensive on Yabroud near the Lebanese border. A new sharia council, formed by the unification of several armed battalions into “The gathering of Mujahidi al-Qa’qa,” took over the oilfields […]


A look at 2 suicide bombers who sought death in Syria, driven by jihadist ideology


A coalition of 15 armed rebel groups, including the Free Syrian Army’s Supreme Military Council, reportedly joined together to form the “Syrian Rebels Front”; talks between the FSA and the Islamic Front have not produced an accord, and the FSA as a result sought to form a new military coalition to unify the Syrian rebels […]


The OPCW’s report on chemical weapons use in Syria found that such weapons were “probably used” in five of seven reported instances, and that in three of those five, soldiers were targeted. The instances of probable use were: Khan al-Assal, near Aleppo city, in March; Saraqeb, near Idlib city, in April; and in Jobar, Ashrafiat […]


Benghazi, Libya, has become training hub for Islamist fighters


Islamist fighters attacked regime forces in Reef Dimashq. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham has kidnapped at least 62 Syrian Kurds, including women and children, in the cities of Menbej and Jarablus in Aleppo province; ISIS killed five men for taking food to besieged areas, and forcibly evicted 15 Kurdish families from their […]


US Halts Aid Delivery To Syria’s North Following Islamist Gains


The Islamic Front seized the Bab al-Hawa crossing on the Turkish border from Free Syrian Army forces after having taken over their nearby warehouse and arms depots last week. The US suspended all shipments of nonlethal aid to the Free Syrian Army in the north as a result of Islamist gains. Suspected Islamist gunmen abducted […]


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham executed a mentally disabled man in Idlib for swearing. ISIS continued its attacks on Syrian Kurds in Aleppo, taking over homes and turning them into bases. Regime forces detained the wife of a nonviolent opposition activist in Damascus who is currently being detained. The Supreme Military Council […]


Regime troops and Hezbollah allies advanced against fighters from the Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham in the town of Nabek near the Lebanon border. A senior Hezbollah commander was killed in the fighting in Nabek. The Damascus-Homs highway has reportedly been taken by regime forces.


Regime forces continued to battle the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, the Al Nusrah Front, and allied rebels on the Damascus-Homs highway in Reef Dimashq near Nabek. The Syrian National Coalition said the bodies of 40 men, women, and children were found near the city. In Idlib, the Islamic Front took over the […]


The previously unknown Ahrar Al-Qalamoun Brigade reportedly conveyed the Al Nusrah Front’s demands to the Assad regime via the Vatican that 12 nuns kidnapped from Maaloula will be released only if conditions are met, including that the regime release 1,000 female prisoners and suspend its siege on a number of strategic areas, such as Ghouta […]