Tag Archives: Syria


The Syrian National Coalition charged that the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham is linked to the Assad regime and serves its interests. An opposition activist group said the body of a British doctor who had been allied with the Islamic Front’s Ahrar al Sham but executed by ISIS was recently handed over in […]


Israeli study of foreign fighters in Syria suggests Shiites may outnumber Sunnis


An opposition activist group that reports on the Syrian conflict said its network of sources is increasingly being threatened by Islamist extremists. The Syrian Electronic Army reportedly hacked Skype. The 11-nation Friends of Syria group plans to convene in the coming days in advance of the Geneva II talks.


An opposition activist group claimed to have documented the deaths of over 130,000 people in the Syrian conflict so far. A member of the Syrian National Coalition alleged that President Assad had told Russia he aimed to take control of 80 percent of Syria prior to the Geneva II talks. The Vatican plans to host […]


Behind Assad’s Comeback, a Mismatch in Commitments


At least 19 rebels have been killed in three days of fighting with regime troops for control of the Deir Izzour military airbase. Foreign Minister Muallem said yesterday that Syria wants Iran to attend the Geneva II talks. The UN asked the regime and rebels to allow aid into the Yarmouk refugee camp in Damascus. […]


Wary of rockets, IDF beefs up security on Golan Heights


An opposition activist group claimed that regime airstrikes and barrel bombs in and around Aleppo over the past two weeks have killed 471 civilians, 34 rebel fighters, and 12 Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham fighters. The UN has completed 24 humanitarian flights to Qamishli via Iraq in an airlift that began Dec. 15, […]


Regime aircraft dropped explosive barrels on an Aleppo market, killing at least 25 people. An Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham commander was killed in a clash with Kurdish YPG forces in Hasakah. ISIS and YPG forces battled violently in Aleppo’s Efrin district. The Al Nusrah Front and Islamic battalions fought against regime forces […]


Syria’s civil war tests whether borders drawn less than a century ago will last


US aid to Syrian refugees generally stops at the border


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, the Al Nusrah Front, and other Islamist rebel groups clashed with regime, Hezbollah, and NDF forces in Aleppo. A regime ambush near Maloula killed “tens of Islamist fighters” said to be members of Al Nusrah. Residents of the blockaded rebel-held town of Moadamiyeh near Damascus raised Syrian […]


As 2014 dawns, Israel keeps a nervous eye on regional jihadist groups


Regime officials reached an agreement to allow food into the blockaded rebel-held town of Mou’adamiya if the rebels hand over their heavy weapons and residents raise the Syrian flag. A car bomb injured several people when it exploded yesterday at a bus station in the Kurdish city of Efrin in Aleppo, which is besieged by […]


Exclusive: Assad’s secret oil lifeline: Iraqi crude from Egypt


Regime barrel bombing continued in Aleppo, killing 13 more civilians; barrel bombs were also dropped in the border city of Azaz, killing 15 people. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, the Al Nusrah Front, and other Islamist forces battled regime troops in Aleppo, and rockets were fired by rebels at the Palace of […]