Tag Archives: Syria


New analysis of rocket in Syria chemical attack undercuts US claims


Iraqi FM warns against ‘poisonous’ extremism in Syria


Free Syrian Army chief Gen. Salim Idris called attempts to unify Syrian rebels into a Free National Army a “pipe dream,” warned that the fight against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham will be long, and said the FSA and the Islamic Front resolved their differences almost a month ago. In Aleppo, a […]


The Al Nusrah Front has demanded that the Raqqah division of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham hand over to sharia court all those responsible for the killing of Abu Sa’ad al-Hadhrami, Al Nusrah’s leader for Raqqah. ISIS attacked regime forces in the 17th division in Raqqah. ISIS and Islamic battalion fighters clashed […]


Hezbollah at War in Syria: Forces, Operations, Effects and Implications


The Al Nusrah Front, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, and Islamic battalion fighters clashed with regime forces in eastern Ghouta in Reef Dimashq, and Al Nusrah and rebels clashed with regime forces near Maaloula. The Kurdish YPG accused the Syrian National Coalition of supporting ISIS against YPG forces in Hasakah. Residents of […]


Justice or Peace? Hariri Trial Could Spark Further Unrest in Lebanon


West has discussed co-operation with Syria, Damascus claims


The Syrian National Coalition has not decided whether to attend the Geneva II peace talks, but stated its position that neither President Assad nor his family can have a role in Syria’s future; the Coalition recently lost 42 of its 112 members, and a number of Free Syrian Army groups have recently withdrawn. Regime forces […]


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham captured al Bab in Aleppo from rebel units, setting up checkpoints and conducting house-to-house searches. State media claimed that security forces killed scores of Islamic Front fighters in Damascus and destroyed a large quantity of weapons and uncovered terrorist tunnels in Aleppo. ISIS and rebels clashed in […]


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham recaptured much of Raqqah city; the Ahrar al Sham did not oppose ISIS. Rebel and Islamist battalions, including one affiliated with Al Nusrah Front, clashed with ISIS in Raqqah. In Aleppo, the ISIS clashed with Islamist battalions in Jarabalus city and at the Bab al-Salama border crossing; […]

Al Qaeda

ASIO spying on Syria fund-raisers amid terrorism funding fears