Tag Archives: Syria


Regime forces and rebels agreed to several local truces in Damascus. Regime forces recaptured Maan, a village in Hama where at least 25 Alawites were killed by Islamist fighters on Feb. 9. Islamist and rebel fighters clashed with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham in Aleppo, and with regime forces in Homs. In […]


The Supreme Military Council replaced head Salim Idriss with Brigadier Abdullah al-Bashir, citing “the difficulties faced by the Syrian revolution.” An activist group said about 6,000 people have died in Syria since the Geneva II talks started, the highest daily toll in the conflict so far. The Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic State of […]


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, supported by the Al Nusrah Front and Islamic battalions, fought against regime, NDF, and Hezbollah forces in Damascus and in Hasakah. Regime forces clashed with Al Nusrah and Islamic battalions in Aleppo, in Hama, and in Deir Izzour. ISIS battled the Free Syrian Army’s Jabhat Al-Kurd, Ahfad […]


Mediator apologizes to Syrians for ineffectual peace talks


Saudi Arabia will soon supply MANPADS and antiaircraft missiles to the Free Syrian Army from warehouses in Jordan and Turkey. The US is said to have already paid $3 million in salaries for fighters from the FSA’s Southern Front, which is headed by Bashar al-Zoubi. The second round of Geneva II talks ended in an […]


Russia, NATO plan joint operation on Syria’s chemical weapons


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham clashed with Islamic battalions in Aleppo; and in Deir Izzour, where it also fought against the Al Nusrah Front; and in Raqqah, where it also battled rebels. Al Nusrah and Islamic battalions clashed with regime forces in Hasakah, and in Hama. Al Nusrah claimed five January bombings […]


In Aleppo, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham fought against Islamic battalions; and in the village of Aziz, Islamic battalions beheaded six regime soldiers and left their heads as “a gift to” the head of regime military operations in Aleppo. The ISIS clashed with the Al Nusrah Front and Ahrar al Sham in […]


Extremists Pose ‘Very Real’ Risk to Syrian Chemical Arms: US Intel Official