Tag Archives: Syria


The Syrian army backed by Hezbollah advanced closer to Yabroud, taking the hill of Aqaba, 2 km from the city, battling the Al Nusrah Front, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, and the Islamic Front. The ISIS has withdrawn from Idlib and Latakia, and has retreated to eastern Reef Aleppo and Raqqah; the […]


Regime and Hezbollah fighters continued to try to wrest the strategic town of Yabroud from rebel forces, including the Al Nusrah Front, the Islamic Front, and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham. Al Nusrah and the Islamic Front fought against regime forces in Hama; in Aleppo, where they are besieging the central prison; […]


The Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic Front clashed with regime forces in Deir Izzour, in Idlib, and in Aleppo. The Islamic Front battled regime forces in various towns in Reef Dimashq, including around Yabroud. Syria plans to close its embassies in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait because those countries have refused to accredit the Syrian […]


A prominent jihadist forum said it supports the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham and urged the Al Nusrah Front to resolve differences with the group. Information Minister al Zoubi said 25 persons, not 150, were released in exchange for the nuns freed yesterday; other sources said 141 women and a “small” number of […]


Among the roughly 150 regime detainees released in the swap for 13 kidnapped Syrian nuns are some rebel fighters; the Lebanese negotiator said the Al Nusrah Front had first demanded the release of 1,000 prisoners. Mohammed Haydar Zammar, the al Qaeda recruiter who helped assemble the “Hamburg cell” that carried out the 9/11 attacks, is […]


Save the Children describes healthcare disaster in Syria


A group of 13 kidnapped nuns was released by the Al Nusrah Front in a swap for over 150 female detainees in regime prisons. Regime and Hezbollah forces continued to battle rebel forces including the Al Nusrah Front, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, and the Islamic Front, in Yabroud, where the nuns […]


The Islamic Front and the Al Nusrah Front clashed with regime forces in Deir Izzour, in Aleppo, and in Hama. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham controls an oil well in Hama’s Jabal Sha’er area. An ISIS suicide car bomber detonated near an Al Nusrah checkpoint in Hasakah. The Islamic Front also battled […]


The regime’s use of barrel bombs has reportedly increased since last year. Residents of Raqqah say it is controlled by some 5,000 fighters from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, consisting mainly of foreigners, including Iraqis, Tunisians, Gulf Arabs, and Chechens. An ISIS leader was killed fighting regime forces near the 17th Division […]


The Syrian National Coalition has retained Gen. Abdel-Ilah Bashir as head of the Free Syrian Army but given former head Salem Idriss the post of military adviser to SNC chief Ahmad Jarba. Negotiators lost contact with 13 Syrian nuns kidnapped by an Al Nusrah Front-linked group led by Abu Malek al-Kuwaiti. Regime, NDF, and Hezbollah […]