Tag Archives: Syria


Russia, China veto UN bid to refer Syria to international court


The Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic Front battled regime forces in Hama; Deraa; Reef Dimashq; and Aleppo, where they were joined by Al Muhajireen wal Ansar. Regime forces advanced closer to Aleppo’s central prison. Al Nusrah and the Islamic Front clashed with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham in Deir Izzour, where […]


The Al Nusrah Front objected to the “revolutionary covenant” announced by the Islamic Front and four other groups. The Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic Front battled regime forces in Deraa; Hama; Reef Dimashq; and Aleppo, where they were joined by Fajer Al Sham, Al Jabha Al Islamiyya, and Jaysh Al Mujahideen. The body of […]


The head of the regime’s air defenses died after being wounded in fighting near Damascus. Syrian National Coalition defense minister Asaad Mustafa resigned. The Islamic Front, Jaish Al-Mujahideen, Ajnad Al-Sham, Failaq Al-Sham, and Alweiat Al-Furqa issued a “revolutionary covenant” declaring that their targets are the regime, Hezbollah, and the Islamic State of Iraq and the […]


The Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic Front battled regime forces in Latakia, Aleppo, and Deraa. The Islamic Front also clashed with regime forces in Hama and Reef Dimashq. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham battled rebel and Islamic Front fighters in Aleppo, and clashed with the Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic […]


“Friends of Syria” London meeting agrees to increase support for Syrian opposition


A car bomb exploded near the Bab al Salama border crossing, controlled by the Islamic Front; the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham is suspected in the attack, which killed 43 people and injured over 80. Two UK journalists who had been beaten and shot by rebels were freed by the Islamic Front and […]


The Al Nusrah Front, the Islamic Front, and the Jaysh al Mujahireen wal Ansar (Emigrants Army) continued to clash with regime forces near the air force intelligence building in Aleppo. The Islamic Front also battled regime forces in Idlib, Hama, and Reef Dimashq. The Islamic Front and rebels have agreed to a weeklong truce with […]

Treasury Department designates 2 ‘al Qaeda leaders’ in Syria

One of the two newly-designated jihadists, Abd Al Rahman Muhammad Zafir Al Dubaysi Al Juhni, has a lengthy al Qaeda pedigree and sat on al Qaeda’s elite Shura council in Pakistan before relocating to Syria. Treasury says Al Juhni is now part of an al Qaeda group in Syria that is planning attacks against Western targets.


In Raqqah, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed two rebel commanders, blew up a reservoir, and battled Islamic and Kurdish YPG fighters. ISIS’ H’isbah detachment issued new rules for Raqqah. A car bomb exploded near an ISIS checkpoint in Deir Izzour. Kurdish YPG forces attacked ISIS in Hasakah. Rebel and Islamic Front […]