Tag Archives: Syria


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham renamed itself the Islamic State. The IS released 15 of 140 detained Kurdish students. In Deir Izzour, the IS clashed with the Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic Front in Albu Kamal, and killed Al Nusrah’s military emir for Deir Izzour city; regime forces targeted the IS […]


Allawi: US policy toward Iraq ‘without a compass’


Insight: Sectarian genie is out of the bottle from Syria to Iraq


Report: ISIS Selling Oil to Finance Terrorist Operations; Army, Security Forces Main Targets in Lebanon


A day after the Al Nusrah Front’s emir for Albu Kamal in Deir Izzour issued a statement explaining that he was relinquishing the town to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham to avoid jihadist bloodshed, other Al Nusrah fighters and allied Islamist fighters captured two ISIS positions in the strategic border town. A […]


Obama Administration Deepens US Role in Syria and Iraq

Desperately seeking moderate Syrian rebels

The White House’s proposal to invest $500 million in training and equipping “vetted” and “moderate” Syrian rebel forces rests on the feeble premise that such forces, if they indeed exist, will be able to operate independently of the al Qaeda-linked groups that dominate the battlefield.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham took over the strategic border town of Albu Kamal in Deir Izzour after the local Al Nusrah Front faction pledged allegiance to ISIS in order to avoid bloodshed. ISIS clashed with Al Nusrah near Kou’ al-Atal and al-Tekehy in Deir Izzour, and shelled the town of Estrin […]


Turkey claims it has denied Syria entry to thousands of militants since 2012


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham attacked regime forces in Raqqah, and clashed with the Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic Front in Deir Izzour. Al Nusrah executed an Islamic brigade commander in Deir Izzour who had sworn allegiance to ISIS. Al Nusrah and the Islamic Front battled regime forces in Reef Dimashq […]