Tag Archives: Syria


The Islamic State took over the al Tanak oil field in eastern Deir Izzour, and is also advancing north up the Euphrates River toward the Turkish border. Elsewhere in Deir Izzour, 30 IS fighters broke out of an Al Nusrah Front jail in Al Hawayej, and residents of Al Shhil have turned over their weapons […]


In Deir Izzour, the Islamic State took over Boqros after the Al Nusrah Front, Ahrar al Sham, and other Islamic Front factions withdrew; the IS also took control of the Attank oilfield from a sharia body consisting of Al Nusrah, the Army of Islam, and other Islamic Front factions; and negotiated terms for the surrender […]

Islamic State consolidates gains in eastern Syria

With the fall of Mayadin as well as Shujail, the home town of the Al Nusrah Front’s emir, the Islamic State controls contiguous territory along the Euphrates River Valley from the town of Jarabulus, which borders Turkey, in Syria’s northern Aleppo province to the town of Anah in Anbar province in Iraq.


The Islamic State (formerly ISIS) clashed with the Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic Front in Deir Izzour, where the IS took over Al Rez, bombarded areas in Al Shhil said to have served as Al Nusrah’s main headquarters in Syria, arrested people in Albu Kamal, and was targeted by regime airstrikes near Al Bisri. […]


Russia seeks UN ban on oil trade with ‘terrorists’ in Syria


The Islamic State (formerly ISIS) took over Albu Kamal and clashed with the Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic Front in Deir Izzour near Al Shhih, said to be the home town of Al Nusrah’s emir; battled the Islamic Front and Jaysh al Islam in eastern Ghouta in Reef Dimashq; and was attacked by regime […]


Patriarchs call on region’s Christians to hold on to their lands


ISIS militants outline chilling 5-year plan for global domination


The Islamic State (formerly ISIS) killed Jaysh al Islam fighters in a car bombing in Ghouta, executed seven Jaysh al Islam fighters in Mid’a, and arrested 25 more. The IS also arrested three people in Raqqah for not fasting; clashed with Kurdish YPG fighters at a checkpoint in Hasakah; bombarded villages near Ektrin and fought […]


Removal of Syrian chemical arsenal was result of unprecedented collaboration