Tag Archives: Syria


ISIS defector speaks of life inside brutal jihadist group


Abu Muhammad al Julani, the emir of the Al Nusrah Front, is said to be moving freely between the provinces of Idlib and Aleppo. Al Nusrah and the Liwa al Tawhid brigade are reported to be the main rebel groups defending Aleppo from attacks by both regime forces and the Islamic State. Al Nusrah and […]


Underage fighters sacrificing childhoods to wage war in Iraq and Syria


ISIS in control of 60 percent of Syrian oil: sources


The Islamic State now controls about 60% of Syria’s oil, having taken over most of the oilfields in Raqqah and Deir Izzour, and is advancing on the Kurdish-held oilfields in Hasakah. Responding to rumors that it had announced the creation of an Islamic emirate, the Al Nusrah Front said that while it seeks to establish […]


Inside the leadership of Islamic State: how the new ‘caliphate’ is run


The Islamic State has been using weapons captured in Iraq to expand its offensive in Kurdish areas in the north, aiming to take over the entire Kobani region. In Deir Izzour, the IS arrested a number of drug users; allowed residents of Khasham to return to their homes if they “repented” and turned in one […]

Islamic State

Islamic State militants on offensive against Kurds in northern Syria near Turkish border


The Islamic State took over a number of villages near Ayn al Arab in northern Aleppo after YPG fighters withdrew. Islamic fighters and rebels battled both regime forces and the IS in Aleppo. The Al Nusrah Front clashed with Qabdat Al Shamal battalions and Omar Al Faroq battalions in Soran E’zaz in Aleppo over Al […]


Several rebel groups, including the Syrian Rebel Front and the Harakat Hazm, both active in Idlib, and the Al Nusrah Front, said they have created an elite force of 600 fighters to help stave off the regime attempt to take over Aleppo. In Deir Izzour, the Islamic State blew up houses of Al Nusrah commanders […]


Europe employs outreach program to rehabilitate Islamist extremists


Regime forces are beginning to close in on Aleppo, and the Islamic State is moving into the countryside north of Aleppo. The IS targeted the town of Ikhtren in north Aleppo, and the Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic Front battled regime forces in Al Zahra, Khan Toman, Al-Brej, Kafar Segher, and near Aleppo central […]


The Islamic State has taken control of all of Syria’s main oil and gas fields. In Deir Izzour, the Eben Al Qayyem Brigade and Al Hamza battalion clashed with the IS in Abo Hamam; protesters in Granij called for jihad against the IS; and tribal leaders in Abo Hamam, Granji, and Al Keshkeyyi negotiated with […]

Al Qaeda

How a talented footballer became world’s most wanted man, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi