Tag Archives: Syria


In a Syrian City, ISIS Puts Its Vision Into Practice


Islamic State jihadists sell Syrian oil to Iraqi businessmen


ISIS gains highlight ‘aggressive’ use of water as weapon of war


The Islamic State beheaded a man in Raqqah; blew up some houses in Deir Izzour; clashed with the Islamic Front and rebels in Damascus; battled regime special forces around the Sha’er gas field in Homs, where some 60 soldiers were killed; and fought against the Al Nusrah Front, the Islamic Front, and Kurdish YPG forces […]


The Islamic State clashed with regime forces near the Sha’er gas field in Homs; bombarded regime-held areas near Al Mab’oje in Hama; clashed with regime forces by Kweris airport, and killed five Islamic Front fighters in a suicide bombing in Aleppo; battled the Islamic Front outside Yilda in Reef Dimashq; stoned two women to death […]


The Islamic State is now said to control 35% of Syria’s territory, including over 98% of oil-rich Deir Izzour. The Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic Front have stopped fighting the IS in Deir Izzour; some fighters turned over their weapons to the IS, but others retreated to Aleppo. Regime forces battled the IS near […]


World should help ‘generous’ Kurdistan: UN refugee chief


Islamic State fighters surrounded and attacked the Shaar gas field in Homs, killing at least 23 guards and capturing others before taking it over. Syrian Kurds imposed a draft on adult males for six months’ “self-defense” service to help stave off the assault by the Islamic State in the north. The Islamic State clashed with […]


President Assad was sworn in for a third term; he called for “national reconciliation” but ruled out talks with the exiled opposition, and vowed to retake Aleppo and Raqqah. Regime forces battled the Islamic State near the Kweris military airport in Aleppo, carried out an airstrike on an IS-held area in Hasakah, and bombarded an […]


ISIS Uses Andre Poulin, a Convert to Islam, in Recruitment Video


United Kingdom – ‘I would fight in Syria today if I could’


The Islamic State pushed the Al Nusrah Front, the Islamic Front, and allied rebels out of Deir Izzour city, consolidating its hold over the province of Deir Izzour. The Islamic State also shot an Al Nusrah emir in Deir Izzour, killed civilians in a suicide car bombing targeting a Kurdish YPG camp in Hasakah, blew […]