Tag Archives: Syria

Islamic State beheads American reporter

James Wright Foley, a journalist who was captured in Syria by the Islamic State in November 2012, was executed on camera. The Islamic State threatened to kill another captive American reporter if the US military does not halt its air campaign against the jihadist group in northern Iraq.


Washington, Damascus at odds in fight against ISIS


Islamic State recruits at record pace in Syria: monitor


The Islamic State clashed with Kurdish YPG forces in Hasakah, and kidnapped and killed a YPG commander; fought regime forces in eastern Hama; battled the Islamic Front and was targeted by regime airstrikes in Aleppo; killed a female dentist, issued rules for Al Mayadin city, and clashed with and was bombarded by regime forces in […]


Exclusive: Kurdish fighters protect Yazidis fleeing IS terror campaign


Mount Sinjar dispatch: ‘The pilot was afraid for my safety. Within days he would be dead’


The Islamic State clashed with regime forces in Raqqah in Al Tabaqa; and in Aleppo, where the IS also battled the Islamic Front, the Al Nusrah Front, and Kurdish forces. In Deir Izzour, the Islamic State told families of Labor City oilfield workers to vacate their homes so foreign fighters could move in. The Syrian […]


Strange bedfellows: terror groups, Kurdish factions unite against ISIS


ISIS leader flees to Syria fearing US airstrikes: Kurdish official


‘Barbaric’ sexual violence perpetrated by Islamic State militants in Iraq – UN


The Islamic State battled regime forces in Deir Izzour; Hama; Homs; and Raqqah, where IS is said to be imposing an Islamic curriculum in schools in the Raqqah City and its countryside. The Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic Front clashed with regime forces in Aleppo, Hama, and Idlib. The Islamic Front also fought regime […]


British ‘jihadist’ describes his plan to go to Iraq or Syria to fight


The Islamic State clashed with the Islamic Front and rebels in Aleppo, and arrested and beheaded some of the fighters; clashed with villagers in Hasakah; battled regime forces in Raqqah; raided tribesmen in Deir Izzour; and fought regime forces in Hama. The Islamic State told its fighters in Aleppo that the battle in Dabeq would […]

The Muslim Scholars Committee and the Lebanese tinderbox

A group of Lebanese clerics with links to Islamist groups mediated a ceasefire between the Lebanese military and fighters from the Islamic Front and the Al Nusrah Front in Arsal, which let as many as 2,000 Islamist fighters escape with over captive 35 Lebanese security forces.


Why is Turkey supporting Islamic State fighters in Iraq?–commentary