Tag Archives: Syria

Treasury designates 2 ‘key’ al Qaeda financiers

The Long War Journal first exposed one of the two, a jihadist known as Sanafi al Nasr, as a senior al Qaeda operative in March. Al Nasr is a senior al Qaeda leader who relocated from Pakistan to Syria last year. Treasury reveals that he previously served as the head of al Qaeda’s Iran-based network.


Fighters listed as ‘terrorists’ help US in battle against ISIS in Iraq


Ex-General Says US Must ‘Destroy’ Jihadists in Iraq, Syria


No end in sight for Islamic State’s attack on Iraq


Pentagon leaves door open to strikes in Syria to curb Islamic State


Foley Abduction Linked to British Jihadi Kidnapping Ring


The Islamic State battled regime forces for control of Al Tabaqa, the last regime stronghold in Raqqah; regime forces carried out at least 11 airstrikes, and dozens of IS fighters are said to have been killed. The IS was also targeted by regime airstrikes in Aleppo, Deir Izzour, and Hama. The IS battled Kurdish YPG […]


French ex-hostage of ISIL ‘knows’ James Foley’s killer


Leaders Express Outrage as Britain Tries to Identify Beheaded Journalist’s Killer


The Islamic State clashed with regime forces in Aleppo, and in Raqqah, where the IS detonated two suicide car bombs and killed and crucified two men. The IS also battled Kurdish YPG forces in Hasakah, and killed and crucified two men in Deir Izzour. One of two men crucified by IS yesterday in Deir Izzour […]


A new report estimates that militants in Syria have several hundred portable anti-aircraft missiles, which are easily smuggled out of the country. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the Islamic State gained 6,300 recruits in Syria in July alone. The Islamic State clashed with regime forces in Raqqah, where the IS reopened the road […]