Tag Archives: Syria


The Islamic State battled regime forces in Hama; Deir Izzour, where Shaitaat tribal officials begged forgiveness and mercy from the IS, and regime airstrikes targeted an IS training camp in the Tal Tabus area of al Shmeteyyi; and Raqqah, where the IS captured 20 soldiers and four civilians, including three women, and has executed other […]


US seeks coalition against Islamic State, but military partners no sure bet


The Islamic State battled regime forces in Raqqah; and in Deir Izzour, where the IS is preparing an assault on the military airport. The Islamic State also executed and crucified four men in Deir Izzour, including an Al Nusrah Front fighter; clashed with rebels in Aleppo; and fought the Kurdish YPG and the al-Karam army […]


UN Rights Chief Accuses IS Jihadists of ‘Ethnic Cleansing’


After the US said it is considering military options against the Islamic State in Syria, the Assad regime requested coordination of any airstrikes but said it welcomes working with the US and the UK in combating the terror organization. The Islamic State is mopping up after its takeover of the Tabqa military airport in Raqqah, […]


US prepares military options in Syria against Islamic State


US strikes in Syria against Islamic State would be hindered by intelligence gaps


When will the US, Europe wake up to the threat of radical Islam?


The Islamic State took over the military airport in Al Tabaqa, the last regime stronghold in the province, after battles in which 346 IS fighters and 170 regime soldiers have been killed and another 150 regime troops likely taken captive. Warplanes were towed from the base to the Syrian Badeya and to the Deir Ezzor […]


Egyptian Islamic authority: Extremists no ‘Islamic State’


The Islamic State clashed with regime forces in Deir Izzour; Homs; and in Raqqah, where the IS executed a man and regime forces have killed some 70 IS fighters near Al Tabaqa. The IS also battled Kurdish YPG forces in Hasakah, and sought to repel an Islamic Front advance in Aleppo. The Al Nusrah Front […]