Tag Archives: Syria


Islamists in Iraq driving large-scale atrocities: UN


In Deir Izzour, the Islamic State continued preparations for an assault on the military airbase, and also executed five men on various charges, including “apostasy.” Regime airstrikes targeted the IS in Raqqah. The Al Nusrah Front flogged a man for “insulting the divine” in Idlib. Kurdish YPG fighters battled IS in Hasakah. Al Nusrah, the […]

Al Nusrah Front

Fiji seeks release of UN peacekeepers abducted on Syrian side of Golan Heights, as Philippines soldiers escape


All of the Philippine UN peacekeeping troops in the Golan area that were surrounded by the Al Nusrah Front were rescued after intervention by UN rapid response forces as well as distracting artillery fire by regime forces; Al Nusrah still holds 45 Fijian peacekeeping troops. Al Nusrah claimed that the troops were detained because the […]


The Islamic State was targeted by regime airstrikes, and clashed with Kurdish YPG fighters in Aleppo; was targeted by regime airstrikes while mobilizing for battle in Deir Izzour, where it also raided the houses of civilians; fought against the YPG in Hasakah, where a Tunisian IS emir is trying to make fighters in Gweran swear […]


Kicked Off Twitter And Facebook, Islamic State Finds New Tools


US Identifies Citizens Joining Rebels in Syria, Including ISIS


The Islamic State battled regime forces in Aleppo, where it used US cannons seized in Iraq; and in Deir Izzour, where regime aircraft struck a meeting of IS leaders, killing a number of foreign fighters at the house of “the military commander of the Operation Chamber of the Airbase of Deir Ezzor which is affiliated […]


US air strikes on Syria would face formidable obstacles


In wake of James Foley’s murder, does Britain have a jihadi problem?

Al Qaeda

Australia: Terrifying legacy emerges from success of Operation Pendennis