Tag Archives: Syria


US civilian casualty standard eased in Iraq, Syria


The Islamic State has seized 325 Kurdish villages around Ayn al Arab. The Islamic State beheaded four YPG fighters, three of whom were female, and displayed their heads in Jarabulus. The leader of Kurdish PYD forces called for weapons for Kurdish fighters outgunned by the Islamic State in Kobani. Turkey claimed that the Islamic State […]

Al Qaeda

‘One and the same’? Officials give conflicting statements on al Qaeda ties to ‘Khorasan’


Special Report: Islamic State uses grain to tighten grip in Iraq


Schoolgirl jihadis: the female Islamists leaving home to join Islamic State fighters


What’s in a name: Obama’s anonymous war against the Islamic State in Iraq, Syria


Coalition airstrikes hit the large Koniko gas plant in Deir Izzour, which also houses an Islamic State prison; granaries in the IS-held city of Manbej in Aleppo; three local oil refineries and a plastics factory in Raqqah; and in Markadah in Hasakah. About 1,500 Kurdish fighters have joined the YPG in recent days to battle […]


Islamic State targeted air strikes could be extended to Syria, Britain’s PM hints


Obama: US underestimated rise of ISIS in Iraq and Syria


The Islamic State advanced in Hasakah after clashes with Kurdish YPG forces. Coalition airstrikes targeted the Islamic State in Aleppo, Deir Izzour, and Homs; coalition airstrikes were carried out also in Deraa, Hama, Hasakah, and Idlib. The pace of the air campaign in Syria is said to be now similar to that in Iraq, with […]


US hits jihadists in Syria as UK bombers fly over Iraq