Tag Archives: Syria


ISIS’ Ammunition Is Shown to Have Origins in US and China


A female Kurdish YPG commander carried out a suicide bombing against an Islamic State position outside Kobane. Another female Kurdish fighter near Kobane killed herself with her last bullet to avoid being taken captive by the IS. Turkey has closed the border crossing at Kobane, while clashes continue and IS is using heavy weapons. Coalition […]


Germany plans expanded engagement against Islamic State in Iraq


Coalition warplanes struck at targets in Deir Izzour, where the Islamic State is reportedly paying children to publicize the group; in Aleppo; in Hama near Morek, where regime forces are fighting the Islamic Front; in Hasakah, where 30 non-Syrian IS fighters were killed; in Idlib, reattacking Salma; in Latakia; and in Reef Dimashq. The Al […]


Kurds issue desperate call to arms as Islamic State closes in


Vatican seeks Mideast Christians’ right of return


UK Army chiefs tell Government: stop Gulf states funding terrorism


Islamic State reportedly on Baghdad’s outskirts after week of victories


The US acted to save Iraq’s Kurds. Why not Syria’s?

Islamic State

PKK leader Ocalan threatens to end peace talks with Turkey if Islamic State massacres Kurds


In war on Islamic State, what would victory look like?


A suicide bomber killed at least 53 people, including 47 young children, in an attack on a school in an Alawite neighborhood in Homs city. Clashes been the Kurdish YPG and the Islamic state continued around Kobane in Aleppo. Over 300,000 Kurds have been displaced by the Islamic State from Kobane and its environs, and […]


Pope Convenes Mideast Envoys Amid Islamic State Threat


Pamphlet argues Baghdadi’s legitimacy as head of caliphate