Tag Archives: Syria


King’s College in London estimates that one British jihadi is killed in Syria or Iraq every three weeks. US officials stated that the town of Kobane is less likely to fall to the Islamic State and the “battle line has kind of stabilized” since Kurdish forces received US air support. Smugglers are selling passage into […]


The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights estimated that 553 people have been killed in airstrikes since the start of the US campaign on Sept. 23. The total includes 464 Islamic State fighters, 57 members of the Al Nusrah Front, and 32 civilians. Turkey’s president revealed that a deal has been struck for 200 Iraqi Kurdish […]


Islamic State imposes new rules on education in Syria, Iraq


Islamic State attracts Kurds from Germany to join jihad


Military chiefs: Islamic State has ‘tactical momentum’


Gruesome photos may show ISIS using chemical weapons on Kurds, report says


Turkish sources deny giving Washington the use of bases to fight Islamic State