Tag Archives: Syria


Kurdish fighters killed 41 Islamic State militants in a clash near Kobane, according to SOHR. Islamic State fighters reportedly beheaded a street magician in Raqqa for un-Islamic behavior. A senior Islamic State policeman responsible for many executions and beheadings was himself found beheaded in al-Mayadeen city in Deir-al-Zor province. The US-backed plan to train moderate […]


The US-led coalition conducted six airstrikes near Kobane on Jan. 4. At least 12 regime soldiers were killed during an attack on their camp in Aleppo. The Western-backed National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces has elected a new presidential committee. Lebanon has begun restricting the flow of refugees from Syria. A Turkish soldier […]


Syrian troops foil IS attack in Deir al-Zour province


Obama Envoy John Allen: No ‘Short-Term Solutions’ for Stopping Islamic State

Senior al Qaeda leader returns to Twitter, praises ‘martyrs’

The al Qaeda leader known as Sanafi al Nasr praised al Qaeda’s “martyrs” on Twitter. Among them is Adnan al Shukrijumah, an al Qaeda operative charged with attacking the West. Nasr’s tweets also shed additional light on the identity of another terrorist reportedly killed earlier this month.


Kurdish Sinjar offensive too late for some Yazidis


Islamic State executed nearly 2,000 people in six months: monitor


Girls tried to commit suicide: Former ISIS captive


Islamic State tests Jordan defenses with clashes along borders with Iraq, Syria