Tag Archives: Syria


Jordan hangs two Iraqi militants in response to pilot’s death

Analysis: DIA head warns al Qaeda in Syria may gain ground in 2015

Lieutenant General Vincent R. Stewart, the director of the DIA, testified before the House Armed Services Committee yesterday. Stewart warned that al Qaeda in Syria may gain ground in 2015, the Islamic State remains capable of launching offensive operations despite the coalition’s air campaign, and the Taliban-led insurgency has fought its opposition to a stalemate in Afghanistan.


Jordan to execute jailed would-be bomber, jihadists


The Al Nusrah Front claimed responsibility for bombing a bus of Lebanese Shiite pilgrims visiting a Syrian shrine in Damascus on Feb. 1, killing six people. The Western-backed rebel Hazzm movement has reportedly joined the Levantine Front, a coalition of other Syrian rebel groups, in a bid to strengthen itself against Al Nusrah. The Islamic […]


Islamic State purportedly sets new deadline for hostage swap


A UN official said the organization’s aid effort is having trouble delivering supplies to 40% of the population in need. Talks between various opposition factions and the regime began in Moscow on Jan. 25. The US State Department denied assertions it has abandoned moderate rebels. Journalists entering Kobane have said the city is “a mass […]


Jordan proposes prisoner swap, fate of Japanese Islamic State hostage unclear

Islamic State

Kurdish defenders say Islamic State has retreated from Syrian border town of Kobane


Japan condemns IS execution, demands remaining hostage release


Lebanese army says three more soldiers killed in Friday’s attack


A report in a Kuwaiti newspaper alleges that despite claims by an Israeli security source to the contrary, Israel was aware of the presence of an Iranian general in a convoy targeted in southern Syria on Jan. 18. UN aid shipments to Syria have provided food to about 600,000 people since July. The US provided […]


Airstrikes reported to have been conducted by the Syrian regime killed at least 39 people in the village of Khansaa, and the town of Saraqeb and the village of Sheikh Mustafa in Idlib province; some reports speculated that the strike in Khansaa might have been executed by the US-led coalition. An Israeli airstrike on Jan. […]


Five Hezbollah fighters and one commander were killed by an Israeli airstrike in southern Syria. The Assad regime has started destruction of its chemical weapons facilities. Kurdish forces have captured a key hilltop in the ongoing fight with the Islamic State for Kobane. Kurdish and Syrian regime troops clashed near the city of Hasakeh in […]


Malaysian man who ‘used Australia as step-off point for sending fighters to join ISIS terrorists in Syria’ arrested after being deported


As Terrorism Suspects Are Detained in Europe, Scope of Challenge Is Highlighted


The US announced that it will be sending 400 troops to train Syrian moderate opposition forces in the spring. The Islamic State has executed 17 people in the past two days, likely as a response to killings of its fighters by unidentified parties in Deir al-Zor province. “At least 1,607” people have been killed in […]