Tag Archives: Syria


Iran denies that Khamenei replied to Obama letter on Islamic State


London jihadi in Syria ‘linked to video of Jordanian pilot being burned’


UN envoy says Assad part of solution for easing Syria violence


Obama sends resolution for use of force against Islamic State to Congress


The Islamic State claims in a propaganda magazine that the widow of the gunman who attacked a Paris supermarket is now in Syria with the group. The US struggles with an “intelligence gap” while trying to track Western foreign fighters; it is believed “more than 20,000 foreign fighters from more than 90 countries have gone […]


The US-led coalition conducted three airstrikes near near Kobani, Deir al-Zor and Raqqa in the past day. Kurdish forces have recaptured more than a third of villages (“128 of some 350”) surrounding Kobane. Jordan has launched 56 airstrikes in retaliation for the death of Lt. Muath al-Kasasbeh, the pilot murdered by the Islamic State. The […]


Jordanian jets return after striking at Islamic State targets in Syria: sources


Jordan considers expanding role in Coalition to hit Islamic State in Iraq


At least eight people were wounded and possibly five killed after the Islam Army, a Syrian rebel group, attacked Damascus with a barrage of rockets and mortar rounds. At least 54 rebels may have been killed after regime troops attacked their positions in the Damascus suburb of Douma, according to Xinhua via Syrian National TV. […]


United Arab Emirates, key US ally in Islamic State effort, disengaged in December