Tag Archives: Syria


Egypt – Pipeline fire erupts, disrupting gas flow to Jordan and sending warning to Israel

Maliki: Iran, Syria are arming Iraqi terror groups

In 2009, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al Malik accused both Iran and Syria of arming terror groups operating inside Iraq. Now AFP has the story, via the Wikileaks cables: Maliki’s comments to then-US ambassador to Baghdad Christopher Hill came in the midst of a year-long diplomatic row with Damascus that prompted both Iraq and Syria […]


Six countries in the Arab world where ‘winds of change’ are blowing


WikiLeaks: tension in the Middle East and Asia has ‘direct potential’ to lead to nuclear war


Egypt, Jordan, and the Arab world’s ‘watershed’ moment

Competing interests: The United States, Iraq, and Iraq’s neighbors

On December 5, The New York Times noted that while “Saddam Hussein’s Iraq was a regional menace that sent shudders through its neighbors,” today Iraq finds it difficult to restrain the ambitions of countries that share its borders — particularly as the US prepares to withdraw. The Times notes that this meddling by Iraq’s neighbors […]


Only a threat of force will halt Iran nukes: Israel


Iraq’s troubles drive out refugees who came back