Tag Archives: Syria


Deadly attack on protesters raises questions about Syria’s stability


The military has deployed tanks, armored vehicles, and thousands of troops into the town of Duraa, the epicenter of anti-regime protests. Syrian forces have also deployed to the town of Jableh and the Damascus suburb of Douma.


Syria security forces killed 12 mourners in Duraa, Douma, and Barzeh, The mourners were attending funerals for some of the 82 people killed during protests on April 22.


Government forces reportedly shot protesters in several cities, killing 60, in the bloodiest day in the five-week uprising. Despite concessions by President Assad, thousands of protesters are demanding an end to his rule and the establishment of a democracy.


Loyal, secretive security forces keep Syria leader in power


The government lifted the 48-year-old emergency law and abolished the state security court. Security forces opened fire on anti-government protesters in Homs, wounding 25.


Security forces reportedly killed more than 25 Syrians while attempting to suppress anti-government demonstrations in Homs. Tens of thousands of Syrians attended funerals today.


US secretly backed Syrian opposition groups, cables released by WikiLeaks show


Security forces killed three people and wounded dozens more after opening fire at a funeral in the town of Talbiseh. The funeral was held for a soldier who is thought to have been tortured and killed by security forces.


President Assad promised to lift the country’s emergency laws by next week. He also promised other reforms, including legislation allowing the formation of political parties, but warned that once these reforms are implemented, “there will no longer be an excuse to organize protests in Syria.”


A purported Syrian intelligence document recommended that no more than 20 protesters be killed daily and said opposition leaders should be linked to Israel, the US, and disliked Saudi and Lebanese officials. Security forces clashed with protesters in Damascus. Syria denied any Iranian role in quelling domestic protests.


The US said Iran is providing support to Syria to suppress nationwide anti-government protests. The US claimed Iran is providing weapons and intelligence-gathering assets to aid security forces in suppressing protests and monitoring the opposition.


Security forces detained more than 350 men during sweeping raids in the town of Baida. Anti-government protests have broken out in the town of Aleppo.


A human rights group claimed that Syrian security forces have killed more than 200 people for protesting against President Assad’s government. Security forces opened fire on protesters in the village of Bayda; no casualties have been disclosed.


Security forces attacked student protesters at the University of Damascus, killing one and wounding and detaining dozens of others. The Muslim Brotherhood now backs the anti-government protests.


Armed men loyal to President Bashir Assad opened fire on anti-government protesters in Banias. Security forces also deployed to the oil refinery in Banias, one of two in the country.


Syrian forces killed at least 36 people yesterday after opening fire on apparently peaceful protesters; today the government vowed to crack down further. Across the country, protests are growing. The government blames “outsiders and those who were compelled by known foreign parties” for the unrest.


Security forces killed 19 protesters after opening fire on crowds in Duraa. Protests have also been reported in the Islamist bastion of Hama.