Tag Archives: Syria


Security forces have launched operations against anti-regime protesters in the towns of Rastan and Talbisa, just north of Damascus. Two people have been reported killed as tanks and helicopters were deployed.


Security forces killed three people in Qatana, a suburb of Damascus, while trying to break up hundreds of anti-regime demonstrators. Protests have been reported throughout the country.


Watchdog finds evidence that Iran worked on nuclear triggers


The International Atomic Energy Agency said the site bombed by the Israelis in 2007 was “very likely” a nuclear facility. A human rights group claimed more than 1,100 people have been killed by government forces during the last two months of protests.


Security forces killed 11 people at a funeral in Homs. The people were shot after they shouted “overthrow the regime” as they were leaving the cemetery.


Security forces killed 27 people while attempting to suppress anti-regime protests. Eleven were killed Homs, 10 in Maaret al-Naaman, two in Daraa, two in Deir al-Zour, one in Daraya, and another in Latakia.


Over the past three days, security forces killed 27 people in the town of Tel Kelakh on the border with Lebanon. Security forces also beat anti-regime students who were protesting in Aleppo. President Assad’s regime has killed more then 700 protesters in the past two months.


Security forces killed three protesters in the border town of Tel Kelakh. Syrians are fleeing from Tel Kelakh into Lebanon as President Assad continues his crackdown on anti-regime elements.


In Iraq, an internal Shiite battle may be key to US troop extension


Security forces killed 13 people while shelling homes and opening fire on anti-government protesters in the town of Harra. Syria sent a detained Al Jazeera reporter to Iran. The UN has suspended most of its operations in Syria.


Ally of Assad says Syria will fight protests till ‘the end’


Columns of tanks are reported to be moving toward the city of Hama, where anti-regime protests have been ongoing. Syrian forces are also cracking down in Duraa, Homs, and Baniyas. The European Union announced an embargo against Syria.


Syrian forces use soccer stadiums as prisons, human rights groups say


Iran helping Syrian regime crack down on protesters, say diplomats


Government tanks and troops have entered the city of Baniyas, penetrating Sunni enclaves; protesters have formed human chains. At least 26 protesters were killed yesterday in several cities, including Homs and Hama. Rights groups claim over 800 civilians have been killed since the uprising began in mid-March.


Security forces have rounded up hundreds of anti-regime protesters and have charged them with “degrading the prestige of the state,” according to a human rights group. Nearly 3,000 Syrians have been arrested, but the number may be as high as 8,000.


Troops loyal to President Assad shelled the city of Duraa and stormed a mosque. Security forces killed 62 people on Friday. Hamas denied reports that its leader, Khaled Mashaal, would leave the country.


The Muslim Brotherhood endorsed anti-government protests as security forces continue to crack down in several cities. More than 50 people have been reported killed during protests over the past several days. The IAEA said Syria attempted to build a nuclear reactor.