Tag Archives: Syria


The Syrian government issued an ultimatum to the people of Homs to end protests in 72 hours or face a new offensive. A defected Syrian officer said 160 Hezbollah and Iranian Revolutionary Guard members have been killed during clashes with the Free Syrian Amy. An opposition leader wants Free Syrian Army rebels to rein in […]


President Assad denied ordering a crackdown and “most of the people that have been killed are supporters of the government.” Dozens of bloodied bodies, some of them mutilated and bearing signs of torture, were found in the streets Homs the last 24 hours. Both the US and French ambassadors returned to Syria, previously having left […]


At least a dozen Syrian secret police have defected from an intelligence compound. The main opposition leader said that a post-Assad regime would would drop special ties to Iran. The Arab League won’t lift sanctions against Syria even after the country accepted its proposal on observers.


Syria’s neighbors may soften sanctions blow


Syria remains defiant after the Arab League imposed sanctions. France said President Assad’s “days are numbered.” A Libyan Islamist militia leader plans to meet with the opposition’s Free Syrian Army. Russia is sending a flotilla of warships to its naval base in Syria in a show of support for the Assad government.


In an unprecedented move, the Arab League approved sanctions against Syria to pressure crackdown on dissent. Iraq refused to implement the sanctions while Lebanon “disassociated itself” from the decision. Qatar said that if Arab nations did not resolve the crisis, other foreign powers might intervene.


Turkey seen as door to Syrian “humanitarian corridor”


Libya offered to supply the Syrian opposition with arms and fighters. Iraq’a Foreign Minister said it was “not possible” to impose economic sanctions on Syria due to its commercial ties with Iraq and the large number of Iraqi refugees there.


Analysis: Arab League breaks habit, turns on Syria


Syria did not respond to Friday’s deadline to allow Arab League observers into the country. Ministers of the Arab League will meet Saturday to draft economic sanctions that will be discussed Sunday. The Assad regime continued to receive support from the Syrian military and Russia and China.


The Syrian crackdown on protesters continued. Both France and Turkey called for a humanitarian safe zone inside Syria. Defections from the Syrian Army reach 400 per day.


Army defectors escalate Syrian uprising


Turkey’s Prime Minister urged Syrian President Assad to step down or risk a tragic end. The UN Human Right Commission voted to condemn Syria. France said there were no plans for military intervention in Syria. Syria plans to use Russia, Iran, Iraq, and Lebanon to counter economic sanctions.


Syrian army defectors launched their first attack in Damascus. Violence continued as the Arab League deadline passed. President Assad said the crackdown would continue despite Arab League pressure.


Syrian troops continued attacks despite Arab League’s demand to end the “bloody repression”. France and Turkey called for more pressure on Syria while Russia and China feared a slide towards civil war and called for more talks.


Syria military defectors taking active role in revolt


Iranian officials meet with Syrian opposition


At least 70 were killed as army deserters fought troops and loyalists butchered civilians. The opposition called for the deployment of UN peacekeepers. Assad loyalists stormed the Jordanian embassy. The Syrian government freed 1,000 prisoners. Turkey threatened to cut electricity supplies and end cooperation on oil extraction.


Syria faces mounting international pressure. The Arab League suspended Syrian membership and is prepared to send a 500 observers to Syria. The EU applied more sanctions. Jordon’s King called on Syrian President Assad to stand down. Russia opposed new sanctions, China called on Syria to implement a peace plan. Pro-government mobs attacked the embassies of […]


As US prepares to leave Iraq, Iran’s influence looms large


The real reason Arab League punishes Syria: Iran


Homs: ‘Capital of the Syrian revolution’