Tag Archives: Syria


Protests show Syria more divided


The government said a “suicide terrorist” detonated a bomb in Damascus, killing 25 people and wounding scores more. Members of the Free Syrian Army reportedly met with representatives of the Arab League.


Analysis: Doubts over Syria rebel army after escalation threat


Killings in Syria continue in spite the government’s withdrawal of heavy weapons. Syrian army deserters killed 18 government security forces. The commander of the Free Syrian Army threatened to step up attacks on government forces. The Arab League called for an urgent meeting to decide whether to withdraw observers.


Arab League Criticized Over Syria Observer Mission


Syria – The World’s Worst Human Rights Observer


Observers monitoring the Arab League peace plan arrived in Homs. Protesters reported they were “ being slaughtered” but the chief observer said he saw “nothing frightening.” Human rights monitors questioned the observer’s judgment and accused Assad of hiding tanks until the observers leave.


With credibility on line, Arabs gambling that observer mission can bring pressure on Syria


Analysis: Syria bombings signal deadlier phase of revolt


Armed With Phone, and Dangerous to Syria


Arab League observers have arrived to monitor the implementation of a peace plan. More than 100 people were killed in an ‘organized massacre‘ on a Syrian village. A human rights group said 6200 have been killed since the uprising began.


The Syrian government agreed to allow observers into the country to monitor an Arab League peace deal. The opposition dismissed the deal as a ploy. Some 60-70 Syrian army soldiers were shot while trying to desert. The UN passed a resolution condemning the violence.


Analysis: Russia’s Syria shift a bid to guard image, interests


Inside Syria: Soldiers defecting to join rebels


Syrian government troops attacked the rebellious city of Hama with an armored assault. For the second time in two day, rebels attacked Syrian army troops, killing 8. A US State Department official said “Our view is that this regime is the equivalent of dead men walking.”


Syria: Christmas celebrations ‘muted in solidarity with opposition’


Homs: ‘Capital of the Syrian revolution’


Government forces killed 17 people while rebel soldiers killed seven police in an ambush. The head of the UN Rights Commission said the death toll has reached 5,000. Syria’s UN ambassador disputed the number, saying UN officials are “suffering from Syrianophobia”


French accusations put Syria’s allies in spotlight