Tag Archives: Syria


Syria’s outgunned rebels in Idlib turn to homemade bombs


The Arab League’s latest attempt to broker a peace deal failed. Syria said it would not be the first to withdraw its forces, and its army would remain in the cities until “peace and security” prevailed. A Syrian Foreign Ministry spokesman said: “The battle to topple the state is over.”


Fighting continued in Syria despite a UN-sponsored peace deal. Rebels stepped up a campaign to assassinate military officials. Kofi Annan said Assad’s forces must be first to cease fire and withdraw. US Secretary of State Clinton and Saudi King Abdullah met to discuss raising the pressure on the Syrian regime.


Amid fresh diplomacy, U.S. still wary of direct Syria role


Islamists find foothold in Syria revolt


President Assad said he would cooperate with the UN peace plan if rebels halted violence. The opposition said it would cooperate with the plan only if Assad’s forces halted violence. Arab League leaders called for its immediate implementation. Iran also backed the plan.


Violence in Syria continued in spite of President Assad’s acceptance of a peace plan on Monday. The UN secretary general and Arab foreign ministers urged President Assad to implement the plan.


Syria authorities target children, says UN rights chief


Obama’s Over-Hasty Withdrawal: Iraq Is Neither Sovereign, Stable nor Self-Reliant


The Syrian government accepted a peace plan sponsored by the UN and the Arab League. Unlike previous attempts, this plan has the backing of Russia and China. Nevertheless, heavy fighting continued. The UN said 9,000 have died so far.


Syria’s opposition groups, meeting in Istanbul, tried to form a more united front. Turkey and the United States planned to provide “nonlethal” aid to Syrian rebel groups. Turkey closed its embassy, following similar closures by several other countries.


The Syrian army bombarded the cities of Homs and Saraqeb. Thousands demonstrated across the country. A high-level army defector announced that armed rebel groups have united under the Free Syrian Army. The Free Syrian Army killed two government soldiers and captured 18, in an attack near the Turkish border.


Iran helping Assad to put down protests


Fear enters Damascus as conflict nears


Church fears ‘ethnic cleansing’ of Christians in Homs

Al Qaeda

Toulouse siege: The ‘white emir’ who may have inspired Mohamed Merah


Syrian government troops attacked opposition areas and rebel fighters around the country, killing 59. The rebels’ Free Syrian Army began running out of ammunition.


Despite mounting criticism, Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki remains powerful


The UN Security Council agreed to a statement calling for an end to the violence in Syria. Unlike past resolutions, Russia and China also agreed. Syria’s opposition denounced the statement. Violence across Syria continued.


Syria’s conflict has significance far beyond its borders


Report: Syria Arms Imports Surge Thanks To Russia