Tag Archives: Syria


In Gaza, Hamas rule has not turned out as many expected


The six-day-old ceasefire broke down as government forces renewed military offensives across the country. More than 50 people were reported killed.


Syrian Regime Bleeding Cash as Cease-fire is Threatened


Syrian troops resumed their shelling of residential neighborhoods, threatening a fragile ceasefire. The UN Security Council unanimously approved a resolution sending up to 250 observers to Syria.


Supplies for Assad: German Ship Carrying Weapons Stopped Near Syria


Syria ceasefire: five potential stumbling blocks


The ceasefire held for a third day, although some shelling was reported. The UN Security Council approved a resolution to send an observer mission to Syria.


A ceasefire between the Assad regime and opponents held for a second day although some violence continued. The opposition staged protests across the country. UN observers readied to deploy to Syria for a monitoring mission once the Security Council gives its approval.


Fight against Assad just begun, Syrians in Turkey say


After previous failures, a ceasefire appears to be holding across the country despite some incidents. However, troops and heavy weapons have not been withdrawn from towns. Protesters took to the streets in several cities.


After failing to meet an April 10 deadline to halt attacks on opponents, the government said it would stop attacks by 6 a.m. on April 12. The US doubted Syria would follow though. China repeated its call for calm. The Syrian army continued attacks in Hama and Rastan.


Syria ignored the UN deadline for a pullback of troops from urban areas. Syrian officials said some troops were pulled back, but France called this a “blatant lie” and the US saw no evidence of a pullback. Turkey agreed. Rebels reported shelling in Homs, Hama, and Aleppo.


Prospects for the latest UN-sponsored peace plan faded as violence spread. Government forces shelled the city of Homs, killing 30. Turkey protested after Syrian government forces fired at a refugee camp across the border.


Gunfire from Syria crosses 2 borders as conflict deepens; at least 1 killed


The government demanded written guarantees from opponents before withdrawing troops. The opposition refused. The leader of the Free Syrian Army said the peace plan deal will fail. Government forces shelled rebel areas near the Turkish border.


Syria’s death toll surged; over 150 were reportedly killed today. The violence set off an exodus of refugees to Turkey and Lebanon. Turkey expressed its alarm over the worsening situation.


Attacks on the Syrian opposition continued. Thousands demonstrated across the country demanding an end to the regime. The UN Security Council urged the Syrian government to halt attacks. Turkey told the UN it needed help with Syrian refugees.


Syrian government troops launched a new round of assaults across the country. The Douma suburb of Damascus was also attacked. More than 20,000 refugees have fled to Turkey.


Analysis: Syria peace plan seen buying Assad time


Signaling the failure of the latest UN peace deal, Syrian government troops renewed attacks into rebel areas. Activists reported tank assaults, shelling, and scores killed. Russia warned Western and Arab nations against arming Syrian rebels.


Text of Annan’s six-point peace plan for Syria


Syria’s rebels abandoned efforts to hold territory in major cities and towns after a series of defeats. Government troops entered rebel areas, hunted down activists, and torched and bulldozed homes. President Assad’s uncle said Assad was unlikely to hold onto power much longer.


Violence continued across the country. The government agreed to another peace plan, vowing to pull troops out of cities by April 10. US and Arab states agreed to provide financing to rebels, including salaries to rebel fighters.