Tag Archives: Syria


Among Syrian rebels, a shared sense of commitment


The head of the UN observer mission in Syria reported that UN monitors had been fired at on multiple occasions. Although the mission has been suspended, it has not been cancelled. Government and rebel forces declared a temporary truce in Homs to allow civilians to be evacuated.


Government forces continued to shell the city of Homs. Government and rebel forces clashed in Baba Amr. The rebel Free Syrian Army appealed to the Kurdish minority to join them.


Government forces surrounded and began shelling Sunni districts in the city of Homs. Russia prepared to send two amphibious assault ships and marines to the Syrian port of Tartus.


The UN suspended its observer mission due to the danger from increasing levels of violence. UN observers had been deployed to Syria to monitor a UN-sponsored peace plan.


US enlists Britain’s help to stop ship ‘carrying Russian attack helicopters’ to Syria


US holds high-level talks with Syrian rebels seeking weapons in Washington


The head of the UN monitoring team in Syria warned of intensifying violence as the UN peace plan fails. Russia said it would not discuss plans for a post-Assad Syria. China rejected further sanctions. The US has stepped up support for Syrian rebels.


A suicide bomber wounded 10 people in an attack in Damascus. The suicide bomber blew up his car near the Sayyida Zainab shrine and a police station. No group has claimed responsibility for the attack. UN monitors entering the town of al-Heffa found it devastated.


The US accused Russia of arming the Assad regime. Russia defended its arms sales and accused the US of arming rebels. Saudi Arabia and Qatar supplied weapons to rebel forces. The Syrian army continued toattack the town of Haffa with helicopters and tanks as rebel forces withdrew.


US says Russian-made weapons are killing Syrians on ‘an hourly basis’


Syrian government forces appeared to be preparing another massacre, in the town of Haffa. UN observers attempting to reach the town were fired upon. Rebel forces tried to smuggle civilians out of the town. A UN report said the Syrian government was using children as human shields.


Syrian Army helicopter gunships attacked the town of Rastan in northern Syria. Government forces shelled Homs, killing at least 35, and fighting continued in the capital of Damascus. Opposition leaders called for mass defections and a campaign of civil disobedience.


Syrian Alawites Divided by Assad’s Response to Unrest


Government forces renewed their attack on the city of Homs with artillery bombardments; 35 people were reported killed. Heavy fighting continued around the city of Latakia. Syrian opposition groups picked a new leader.