Tag Archives: Syria


Turkey a hub for Syria revolution as illegal border crossing points abound


Fighting intensified in Aleppo as both the rebels and the government massed their forces around the city. A senior defector from the Assad regime offered to unite opposition factions and provide a road map for the transfer of power. Iran said it would stand by its ally.


Defecting general calls for Syrians to start preparing for post-Assad government


Analysis: In Syria crisis, stakes high for Hezbollah


Rebel forces in Aleppo prepared for the coming battle as government forces sent armored reinforcements to the city. Rebel forces took control of a police station in central Aleppo. Turkey closed its borders with Syria to commercial traffic.


Syria fighting gives neither side decisive edge


Iran general warns ‘hated Arabs’ of reprisals for backing Syrian rebels


Iran hedges its bets on Assad and Syria

Slain Syrian official supported al Qaeda in Iraq

Assef Shawkat, a top Syrian official killed in a bomb blast last week, was a key ally of al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI). Leaked State Department cables show that General David Petraeus repeatedly warned of the collusion between Syrian officials, including Shawkat, and AQI’s top foreign fighter facilitator.


In Syria conflict, US struggles to fill intelligence gaps


The Unresolved Mystery of Syria’s ‘Iraqi’ Chemical Weapons


Syria admitted it had chemical weapons, and said it would not use them on its own people but would use them to repel an external threat. Israel’s Prime Minister said Israel would “have to act” if chemical weapons were acquired by Hezbollah. Government forces retook control of Damascus as rebel forces reverted to guerrilla tactics.


Syria says could use chemical arms against foreign intervention


Syria rebels’ gains in Damascus surprise even them


As Syria conflict rages, China hews to ‘non-interference’ principle


Damascus chaos strikes fear in Assad’s Alawite bastion


Rebels announced the launch of an offensive to “liberate” the city of Aleppo. Rebel fighters from rural areas converged on the city. Government counterattacks drove rebel forces out of several strongholds in Damascus. So far this month, 2,750 people have been killed in Syria. The US abandoned efforts for a diplomatic solution.


Government forces staged counterattacks against rebel-held districts of Damascus. Heavy fighting broke out in Aleppo. Rebel forces seized a second of three border crossings between Iraq and Syria. Refugees flooded into Lebanon. The UN Security Council extended its monitor mission for 30 days.


The battle for Syria is a battle for the entire Middle East


CIA joins the hunt for Bashar al-Assad’s chemical weapons


Video shows Free Syrian Army rebels raid a border crossing between Syria and Turkey