Tag Archives: Syria


Special report: Hundreds of rebel fighters leave Aleppo after two nights of relentless shelling by regime forces


A day after government forces launched a major assault in Aleppo, rebel forces were forced back from the district of Salaheddine. Rebel commanders said they were preparing to counterattack.


Government troops are pushing against rebel strongholds in Aleppo. The US has not ruled out the idea of a no-fly zone over rebel-held areas. Some rebel leaders signed a “battlefield code of conduct”; others refused to sign or said it was not binding.


Fighting in Aleppo spread as rebels attacked new areas. Rebels claimed to control 60% of the city, but were also running low on ammunition.


Disinformation flies in Syria’s growing cyber war


Riyad Hijab: Syrian prime minister’s defection dents edifice of Syria’s regime


In the highest-level defection to date, Syria’s Prime Minister fled to Jordan along with two ministers and three military officers. A bomb exploded in the Damascus headquarters of the state TV channel. The US granted a license to a Syrian support group allowing them to raise funds to equip Syrian rebels.


State Dept. and Pentagon Planning for Post-Assad Syria


Victory closer, divisions deepen in Syria opposition


Fighting intensified in Aleppo and Damascus. Government forces numbering 20,000 massed around Aleppo and warned of a full-scale assault within days. Rebels abducted 47 Iranians visiting a Shiite shrine; the rebels said the men were members of the Iranian Republican Guard.


Eye on Iran and Syria, Israel hardens missile shield


Algerian Government Investigates Movement of Jihadists Into Syria


Turkey Retires All 40 Commanders Charged in Plot to Overthrow Government


Kofi Annan’s exit makes it clear: Force trumps talk in Syria


Government forces shelled a Palestinian refugee camp in Damascus, and attacked rebel positions in Aleppo, Damascus, and Hama. Protesters called for the death for President Assad. The UN general assembly condemned the Security Council and the Syrian government.

Al Qaeda

Syrian rebel commanders warn extremists could gain sway without aid from US, allies


Israel Prepares Plans to Neutralize Syrian Chemical Weapons