Tag Archives: Syria


Government forces repelled a large rebel attack on an air base near Aleppo. Rebels captured an air defense building in Idib. Fighting occurred in Aleppo, Damascus, and Homs. Rebels said they still controlled 60% of Aleppo.


Fighters from the rebel army’s Brigade of Free Syrians launched an offensive in Aleppo, including attacks against an artillery training school, an intelligence compound, and a major army checkpoint. The Syrian National Council said it is expanding to include more activist groups.


Appearing on state TV, President Assad said government forces were gaining ground but that more time was needed to win the civil war. A car bomb exploded during a funeral procession for slain Assad supporters, killing 27 people.


Envisioning a post-Assad Syria as civil war grinds on


Iran Said to Send Troops to Bolster Syria


Western states worked with Turkey to establish buffer zones within Syria. French President Hollande warned Syria’s use of chemical weapons would be a legitimate justification for military intervention. Heavy fighting shifted back to Damascus after weeks of battles in the northern city of Aleppo.


Britain and US plan a Syrian revolution from an innocuous office block in Istanbul


Rebels shot down a military helicopter over Damascus. Fighting in Aleppo has turned into a battle of attrition. France’s president urged the Syrian rebels to create a provisional government and said France would extend official recognition once it was formed.


More than 300 bodies were found in a town outside the Syrian capital Damascus. Syria’s opposition accused the Assad regime of mass executions. Iran’s national security chief met with President Assad and his top aides.


Iran has duty to support Assad: intelligence official


Fierce fighting caused rebels to abandon a Damascus suburb. The UN reported that 200,000 refugees have fled Syria.

Suicide bombings become commonplace in Syria

Relying on translations from the SITE Intelligence Group and other publicly-available information, The Long War Journal has counted 25 reported or suspected suicide bombings in Syria since December 2011. The al Qaeda-linked Al Nusrah Front has claimed responsibility for 18 of these attacks.


Fighting continued in Damascus, Aleppo, and other cities. The foreign ministry accused Turkey of helping “terrorists” by providing sophisticated weapons to the rebels. France said it would participate in a proposed partial no-fly zone over Syria.


US sends aircraft carrier back to Gulf to face Iran, Syria


US ‘significant’ in Iraq despite troop exit: Dempsey


Syria’s deputy prime minister and Russia’s foreign minister warned the US against military intervention in Syria. As heavy fighting continued in Aleppo, the Free Syrian Army claimed to control two-thirds of the city.

Al Qaeda

Concerns About Al Qaeda in Syria Underscore Questions About Rebels


Government and rebel forces fought in Aleppo, Daraa, and Damascus. Rebels established civil organizations in rural areas abandoned by government forces. Turkey urged the UN to create a “safe zone” within Syria to accommodate the growing number of Syrian refugees.


Growing violence could leave Syria ungovernable