Tag Archives: Syria


Israel attacked Syria’s nuclear reactor after raiding home of official: report


Fresh from the inside, Syrian Army defectors say rebels have an edge


Car bombs exploded in a government-controlled district of Aleppo, killing 27. The UN’s new envoy to Syria, Lakhdar Brahimi, began his mission by visiting Cairo. Egypt planned to host a regional meeting to discuss Syria. A defecting Syrian general said French agents helped him escape.


Syria Criticizes France’s Support of Rebels, as Fears Grow of Islamist Infiltration


France takes the lead with aid for Syrian rebels


Government jets bombed northern Aleppo, killing dozens of civilians. Two bombs exploded next to buildings housing Syrian forces in northern Aleppo, killing scores of troops. Abu Sayyaf, a Jordanian militant leader linked to al Qaeda, said his group planned to launch attacks against the Assad regime.


How Islam’s Ancient Sectarian Divide Fuels Conflict in the Middle East


Syrian National Council: The Gang That Can’t Shoot Straight


Jihadists join Aleppo fight, eye Islamic state, surgeon says


After a four-day artillery bombardment, government troops assaulted a Palestinian refugee area in southern Damascus. Two bombs exploded in central Damascus, killing five government security personnel. European Union foreign ministers agreed to additional sanctions on Syria. Russia rejected further sanctions.


France considered sending lethal aid to the rebels. The amount of aid delivered so far has been limited. Iran has sent 150 Revolutionary Guards commanders to aid the Assad regime.


Insight: In Aleppo, jets vs. rifles, as civilians despair


Government forces captured a rebel-held town near the Jordanian border, closing off a refugee route. A battle of attrition continued in the city of Aleppo as neither side made substantial gains. France started providing direct aid to rebels.


Hillary Clinton, top Chinese officials air differences


Free Syrian Army battles surplus of fighters and shortage of guns


Iran Supplying Syrian Military via Iraq Airspace


The Assad regime said it would have no dialogue with the opposition until the rebellion was crushed. The Syrian Army mobilized its reserves. China said the Syrian situation was worsening. A record number of refugees, over 100,000, fled Syria in August.


Factbox: Syria’s Kurds part of wider ethnic group


Diplomatic solution to the conflict in Syria ‘nearly impossible’, says new UN envoy Lakhdar Brahimi


Rebels set off two bombs inside the Syrian army’s General Staff headquarters in Damascus. Government aircraft entered Iraqi airspace to bomb rebel positions along the border. Large numbers of refugees have fled to Jordan. More than 5,000 Syrians died in August, the highest monthly number to date


Syria rebels appear to be targeting air bases